3 Disturbing Minecraft Mysteries You've Never Seen

Minecraft Viki (video wiki) ➜ https://minecraft.viki.gg

If you know where to look in the darkest corners of YouTube you can find some truly disturbing Minecraft channels. These are three of the creepiest minecraft mysteries I have ever seen, none of which I have featured on my channel before. Enjoy this Halloween special…

Inspired by RetroGamingNow and LEMMiNO – check them out!
Retro: https://www.youtube.com/@RetroGamingNow
LEMMiNO: https://www.youtube.com/@LEMMiNO

00:00 Old Minecraft Videos Reuploads
14:58 Am I Alone
22:05 TW

➤➤ Twitter: https://twitter.com/WifiesWasTaken
➤➤ Discord: https://discord.gg/zAWUuWb

Channel 1: https://www.youtube.com/@oldminecraft294
Channel 2: https://www.youtube.com/@amialone5614
Channel 3: https://www.youtube.com/@TW-jr8lu

LEMMiNO music used:

LEMMiNO – Encounters
CC BY-SA 4.0

LEMMiNO – Blackout
CC BY-SA 4.0

LEMMiNO – Aloft
CC BY-SA 4.0

This is NOT a series called Minecraft VVSauce where I explore random features of Minecraft. Not Secret Minecraft things or Minecraft lore (like Game Theory) or Escape Rooms, but a horror based series dedicated to over-answering questions you never asked about MINECRAFT ARGS YESSIR these are super scary – BOO


28 thoughts on “3 Disturbing Minecraft Mysteries You've Never Seen”

  1. Guys if the video is considerably sketchier than usual it's because I made it in 4 days since I had this idea last minute BUT NOT TO WORRY the next ones will be better and probably sooner.


  2. For that second one, I think its fake, because the player could have found out what was that, by analyzing the crash report, also the dev console could have logged the entity's actions, before the crash. Also since its an entity, what if the player has done a /kill @e after all the experiments he did in the final video? Also also, not sure if mojang could hide its code in the game, but why nobody has found its code in the game, yet?

  3. the last one is so nostalgic I actally started playing on the tu19 world and kept playing on it continuisly for 3 years untill it corupted 🙁 I still have it saved somewhere

  4. 6:36, i don't know if it's just me but that sheep was very strange. At first it just looks like a normal sheep but you notice the way it's turning. Almost as if it was a player. Then the strangest part. It jumped twice, i looked for information to see if it was possible but i didn't find anything. But as i was saying, it had not been near the block before it jumped. And normally mobs aren't able to do that. Also, when it moved, it moved smoothly, not he usual blocky movements of a normal mob.

  5. I truly don't know if I've seen that first one before or not. It's very much exactly what you expect from a creepy Minecraft channel.
    The second one is pretty unique though.


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