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I Survived 24 Hours in the SCARIEST MODPACK in Minecraft Hardcore!
♓💜LIMITED HOODIE: https://suev.shop/
Fear Nightfall is a modpack that combines Herobrine, the Cave Dweller, the Man From The Fog, and more monstrous creatures all into the same universe. NOWHERE is safe.
Modpack: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/fear-nightfall
(There may be updates since I made this video)
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This is by far the scariest thing I have ever lived through in my life…
💜LIMITED HOODIE: https://suev.shop/ 💜
I found fear nightfall a couple weeks ago through curseforge and I've been dying for more youtubers to make videos on it. I'm super excited for this!
Scary this, horror that, my brother in Christ add some taxes, rent, water an elecricity bill. Add mod that makes you pay for food. That would be SCARY
24hours is that all?😅❤
Woohoo!! The very first video of yours i ever saw that made me instantly sub was a scary one!! It was a couple of years ago, something about a scary demension i think, it was AWESOME!! So excited for this video!!!
Did anyone else see that 37:12
Yo he out here like Dumbledore in Harry Potter
“Oh it’s Herobrine.”
He said so casually like he isn’t a powerful entity trying to kill you XD
Bro more scared of the cave dwellers 😂
Pls do 100 days in alex caves
good vid💜
I just started watching you like 30 minutes ago and I’m already subscribe
The wallpaper looks AI generated.
How meny times i see Herobrine in this video
My new favorite channel, absolutely love the long videos and the mod pack choice!!! Keep it up and much love ❤❤
Sharkie is built different. No, he is the definition of "built different" when it comes to making some of the best modpacks.
Nice wallpaper
this was such a good video i enjoyed it a lot. you are so skilled to do all of this without dying one lol. i would’ve been done for on the first day
Hey did you know if you use a sword on bamboo it instabreaks
Thanks for the wall paper btw i love it
im gonna die watching dis without stoping
Thank you for this amazing video
I'm actually kinda wanna play this mod
About 2 months late
Please remove the subtitles from screen and just make it optional CC via YouTube 😢
How did he get demonium, it doesnt seem to be in the modpack?
Please play better mc plus
You missed the opportunity to use the word bamboozled as you weren't getting the bamboo.
(Or is it just me I just find it funny as the bamboo and bamboozled just rhymes together)
I clicked and got a wix ad and was confused but oddly scared because it sounded echoey
Minecarft. ————— Weird abominations.
Me not sleeping for 7 days after watching this video:
👇 ( jk suevo i love all your vids no matter what❤)
Try all the mods 9 next
What's Texture u use
great video! here are some tips for next modpack, all the backpacks are upgradable in size, the tarot cards have a torat card pack holder which holds all the cards and you should have a bauble slot always check the bauble slots, the biomancy mod(wierd flesh thing) had some crazy weapons you could have made! always put something like @biomany in jei to see all the things a certain mod has if you want to know easily what you can make. look forward to your next video 😁 p.s those mobs you were fighting at the end were from the son of sins mod
someone can help me running this mod i got every time the exit code 1 and idk why i have 32 ram a amd radeon rx 6800 and a amd ryzen 7 7700X
I update windows re instal the mod reinstal java and it doesnt work
this kindof reminds me of leathal company
I wish more people knew about Fear Nightfall, it was pretty unbalanced and brutal early on but since v11 it's gotten a lot better/more balanced it's really underrated and way more fun and fleshed out than From The Fog imo
btw the mineing noice in the 1st hour was just a sound xd
This vid is so cooll
Suev never fails to make me fall asleep watching his videos everytime and having to rewatch them after waking up! 🤣
Cave Dweller!!!! Woooooo🎉
i wonder why modpacks don’t include the GUI clock mod more often when they have time based mechanics- tbf i don’t understand why it’s not a vanilla clock behaviour
guessing the villager around 56:37 is the supplementaries wandering trader – the red merchant – it sells fireworks and bombs, also throws bombs at mobs
My heart was racing many times and BTW keep on droping my long videos like this
Play the scape and run mod or sculk infection mod
uhh, your one month late