I Started a New Minecraft World…

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Friend or Foe Season 2 begins! In this series every player starts with 10 Lives, PVP randomly turns on and off, and the last man standing wins!

►Friend or Foe Players
Mini – https://www.youtube.com/@mini-minecraft
ClownPierce – https://www.youtube.com/@ClownPierce
Quiff – https://www.youtube.com/@QuiffYT

►FULL SERIES: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWJikipm2MTbCmHm6e9KV0bPmW6chk1j9

►Friend or Foe RULES – https://pastebin.com/X9j3ZsNb

►Join My Minecraft Server!
JAVA IP: play.penguin.gg
BEDROCK IP: bedrock.penguin.gg Port: 19132


49 thoughts on “I Started a New Minecraft World…”

  1. Hi sb here are things that we’ll be in Minecraft 1.20
    – new adorable vex still from evoker
    -new bamboo block
    -new sign
    – new camels can be found in dessert
    – you can now spawn iron golem and snow golem as spawn egg
    – you can now get spawned and dragon egg without using command
    -new storing bookshelf instead putting you enchanted book on chest just put it on storing bookshelf
    So please build tapl and craftee head right next to technoblade head

  2. I have been watching you for about four years and my favorite series was friend or foe and I was so sad when you stopped doing it but now it’s back and awsome

  3. Ahh the nostalgia I remember whenever it was Wednesday and Saturday being stoked because I knew a friend or foe episode was coming true it won’t be the same without the old group but at least we finally got the season 2 we’ve been wanting for almost 5 years now


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