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Ello friends! You might have already seen the episodes (or not) but why not watch it all again in one epic movie! 😄
This video takes you through our Minecraft Hardcore journey, going from our starter base through awesome builds, farms, a village transformation and end portal revamp!
Watching this video even if you just leave it running in the background really helps out the channel, so THANK YOU! 🧡
If you can, please like the video and let me know what you think in the comments! Thanks for watching 😍
Snow x
Seed: 6516812156528266
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AverageSnowMC
Instagram: http://instagram.com/AverageSnowMC
DATAPACKS (Vanilla Tweaks)
Anti-Enderman Grief
Co-Ordinates Hud
More Mob Heads
Wandering Traders
RESOURCE PACKS (Vanilla Tweaks)
Bushy Leaves
Different Stems
Grass Sides
Lower Dirt Variants
Lower Shield
Variated Bookshelves
#minecraft #minecrafthardcore #minecraftletsplay #minecraftbuild #minecraft1000days
Hi everyone! Let me know below, which was your favourite build in this world?
Thank you for the support during this series, I appreciate you all! 🧡
From the moment i saw your buildings, i know you're an amazing person. Keep up the good works 💪
Bro you can survive that you just need Attack them with your sword or put some water under your self or just throw your armor and put elytra
The feng shui of having your bed in coffin position not only with the door, but the FRONT DOOR OF THE HOUSE is certainly a bold move.
I do not understand the concept of hardcore game modes. Like, how does losing everything you worked so hard for appeal to anyone? It just makes zero sense to me.
Dude your so underated, i just know your going to have so much fans!! Your most definitely going too blow up dude keep going with your good work!!
Could you pls make a tutorial or something for the roofs
First time stumbling across you channel. LOVE the builds and can't wait to see more.
I instantly subbed after day three's introduction.
dramatic music building
averagesnow: "ello" 😅
Loved your video ❤❤❤
Can you play while keeping the shaders on please that way video will be more gorgeous 🥰❤
Dude I was Already sitting back Nd watching this but after I eat my food then I lay and watch it
Oh no, I was so sad at the end! 😢
Im a new subscriber u deserve way more subs than u have like atleast 30million subs keep up the amazing work
it ended so abruptly D:
Another 1000 days movie? Here for this . keep up the good work bro!.
Howdy, brand new subscriber, how do you just build like that? I can't do that and I love building. I love these builds alot my favorite was the Storage building for size, looks, and the crane. Keep it up my mans!
Hi i like your video and the creation is beautiful ❤️
This is one of the best YT algorithm suggested to me! I always enjoy minecraft players who are a really good builder. I enjoy watching your Video AverageSnow and I already subscribed.
You sir have earned a sub beautiful building that you can tell you have creativity the way you decorate 👌
You are fr the inspiration source of my buildings
Just found your channel and aboslutely loved watching this!!! I really am enjoying your content, keep up the really good work!
Your skin is so cool! Can u share a download link?
Wow you died, sad becourse i like your play through
just stumbled across your channel and i just want to say, you're a great builder and you are very good at keeping my attention! i loved every minute. though i am wondering about your character animations? like climbing the ladder and rowing the boat.
You should make stairs so you don’t have to jump up blocks
Just discovered your channel
You have such an amazing building style, love it! ❤️
Obsessed w how the sandstone looks with the dark oak i havent seen that before and the roof shapes are so fun
i've always enjoyed coming up with iron farms i have one i built that uses a zombie spawner cause on bedrock our spawners gives us zombie villagers so we can use that to discount our villager without curing them at all
in side you can do a two tall flower farm for dyes and a liken farm
I waste exactly 2 diamonds on the enchanting table, then i fortune III an iron pick-axe. Question are we the only persons who dose that.
Hey! Love the video so far, gonna keep watching all of it.
Can I be a little… idk.. not critical, because it doesn’t matter much…
But it was tough to see you struggle day 1.
If you gotta dig into a hole night one.. kuz you’ve got no sheeps… collect some extra wood, and dig into your hole.
Mine a bunch of stone below your feet, make a furnace, burn the wood, make charcoal, make torches, dig.
Upgrade your tools to stone atleast while in the hole for 10 min🙃
I absolutely love the builds and it’s great to see people covering ugly farms with amazing builds keep up the great work and you’ve definitely earned a sub from me