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Today in Camp Minecraft @Sigils uncovers who the Johnnys are and confronts @Alxton @GoldActual and @Karangutan
👨👨👧👦Camp Members:
▶️@Alxton: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrUtcTPpm5VlixMmUoF8M21rZuCYiQlnS
▶️@Biffle: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3cjHI9IU-ZpeaGd1Hal9fiTn6Hy7A48C
▶️@GoldActual: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_uoLIE1D2cdHqUlE9LGOt3xnv70a8M7I
▶️@Henwy: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXfhM8P6axreQmJ2zL4_WypEWFXPSWy6G
▶️@JeromeASF: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0cQEPFPswO6Y5M6PW3hWhBKSFbjib3Mp
▶️@Karangutan: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLj69oVeBi7qmldxptQGgXmX9r4khakpEa
▶️@Nicovald: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcj9QtNFGEZEaL4B61Yll49tnik0mi0Z5
▶️@Sigils: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyVTD99B6dvx54rRe8kF8AdxTUPb9grg2
🖥️ Camp Data Packs: https://wasdbuildteam.website/camp-datapacks/
❗ About Camp Minecraft:
Welcome to Camp Minecraft Season 2! A 1.16 Vanilla Minecraft server based on Survival and Funny Moments. Join the friends as they go exploring the new Nether, beat Minecraft and build amazing farms. We also have some custom datapacks that add cool unique items to the server!
#CampMinecraft #Sigils #Minecraft
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🎮 Capture Your Gameplay Like Me: http://e.lga.to/Sigils
▶️Crazy Craft Modded Minecraft Survival: https://bit.ly/2PVySD0
▶️Camp Minecraft SMP: https://bit.ly/39u9f3X
▶️Minecraft Modded Adventures: https://bit.ly/2IqzH2H
This Video was Edited By:
🦊 http://twitter.com/MightyHumbleFox
btw the dolphin charage is possible sry for spelling (edit: with commands
straw-ception to the max
How do you record your vids????
nice acting
3:52 Illegal efficiency 20 pickaxe
Just to let you know sigils henwy has a secret volt in a desert temple it is decorated with gold armour and blocks it's also next to a village and all of the Johnny/gold and Karans
Is in there and he has the season two dragon egg also he know about your camp counselor command block thingy
Sigils how didnt you know this from the bigining
Siglis is paying for my ear surgery from all his intros
Sigils Henwy has the seasons dragon egg a vault in a desert temple by and acacia forest
Sigi about the Mr Beast hunt have you tried the ice spikes boimbe the spikes could be what Karan was referring to as the peaks
I know it is gold and kran
is a cup now
Next to the lighthouse is the villain secret base in the plan Area
I was right that they were the jonnys
It looks so scripted when he talks talks to gold and karangitan
When you here sigils’ weird laugh 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
I love the straw in the straw
Sigils upload on your pairofducks channel I miss the vids
Or at least give a explanation on why there hasn't been new vids
Henwy is the villen he kidnapped the camp counciler
Me: I hav known this for what seems like five years.
Are we allowed to join camp Minecraft and play it with you guys because I really want to and it seems like fun and I love watching you guys and I want to be able to play it with you
And also you guys are funny and yeah I like and I want to be able to build stuff with you like and I want to be able to be a superhero in there with you guys so and also I drop a like every new video that you make and I'm subscribed with the notifications Bell on
Sigils Henwy got a new base He is base is in a temple go find it in the desert
Voter fraud, thats a felony.
Sigils WHYY
Is it just me or am i the only one who wants to know the camp minecraft mod? sigils pleas tell me
we need to build a wall
I knew it was those cheeky little bastards
We need more sundee in camp minecraft
I know how to get the nether Back
Ssundee lost in among us ill gonna dislike the video
You might be able to use an item that teleports Alfred to a position so you can send him to the door
Edit: you could have a button panel that teleports Alfred to certain places at your house and then uses those items
E.G. teleport him to the door and then it opens
Sigils should challenge henwy in mayoral combat
Fake kake sigils is ifs fake that was posion wen he die ha is have no powers ahahahahhah
Gold and Karan is jonny