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I Survived 100 Days in a LAVA Only World in Hardcore Minecraft
I Survived 100 Days in a LAVA Superflat in Hardcore Minecraft
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New merch drop this Friday, July 9th! Stay tuned everybody 🙂
In this video, I survived the hardest 100 Days challenge ever… 100 Days in a LAVA Only World in Hardcore Minecraft… It was extremely challenging to find a source of wood and even harder to find food. But eventually I was able to find cows, saplings, diamonds, and even netherrite! 100,000 LIKES on this video and comment down below if you would like to see 200 DAYS in a LAVA Only World!
👕 COOKIE MERCH: https://fanjoy.co/cookie
💲 PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/bePatron?u=33653648
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💲 » Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/bePatron?u=33653648
》”100 Days” Inspired by @Luke TheNotable
》Video Inspiration @NiftySmith
(I actually was recording/editing this during the same time but he got it out before me but respect to him for an awesome video as well!)
Thank you so much for watching this video and supporting me as a content creator! It has always been my childhood dream to entertain millions and to create an amazing community of people. Support me more by watching my other videos! Cookie Army! 🍪❤️
#100days #minecraft #hardcoreminecraft
That video took a VERY long time… Please drop a LIKE and SUBSCRIBE if you guys enjoyed it, I'd appreciate it very much!
⭐I will be dropping my BRAND NEW MERCH COLLECTION this Friday, July 9th! Follow my Instagram & Twitter for a SNEAKPEAK!
👕 COOKIE MERCH: fanjoy.co/cookie
🐤 » Twitter: https://twitter.com/aCookieGod
📷 » Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aCookieGod/
You should have lowered your rendered distance so that village burns later for cows and bookshelves xD
25:05 dayummmm DREAM WHO? LMAOO
Hi my name is Giovanna I love your video they are funny 😂😎😜🥰😍🤩🤭
Rip Baby village
RIP 🪦 baby villy/villager
I remar arwarse
Uh aCookieGod you know that cows drop more than 1 raw beef so it’s more like RIP 🪦 3 cows
Hi Chip 👋 🍟
rip 7 cows
minecraft logic is rip
Omg I didn’t know that horses can drink lava I thought they would burn to death
I am halfway through the video and why not you make a flying machine with water so all you have to do is run across the obsidian.
All his houses are insanely good
"my two girlfriends are making love" is a bruh moment I mean cmon TWO GIRLFRIENDS?
It is like the song I believe I can fly
I just realized that im following you from the first 100days that you made
The horse’s name is it from the 1 block vid
“Why is it growing so fast”😳
Village: One Water Safe 100000000°000°°000°°°°°00000000°°00000000000•••000•0•00°•••°°0000000%
The Guy thought there were 7 cows in a village when hé found 7 steak 😂
Please make a part two
It takes longer to mine when ur innate that's why it may take longer than thr others
next time you do a 100 days floor is try make a two by two water source and extend it so it can be used for boats. so you could get by easier.