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Thanks for watching: I Survived 100 Days as ELEMENTAL STEVE in HARDCORE Minecraft
Today I spawned into Minecraft as Elemental Steve! I had to protect Minecraft from an all out evil, known as Herobrine. He was trying to gain elemental powers to control everything. Make sure you watch until the end to see what happens!
100 days as elemental alex and pls add a whater element
Alex is BOMA
alx was being controoled
fozo top 10 100 day youtubers
Isn't it the Arken stone from the movie hobbit ?
♡ 100 as a element snake 🐍 ♡
Why are you so underrated you deserve a million subscribers
I like your videos
Where is the earth element
i just saw you Cut Birch are you insane
Do 100 days as elemental herobrine or Alex.
Survive as a dinousor as elemental
Pls do survive as a elemental spider
Herobrine is just a corrupted version of stave
Please fozo do luffy to find the one piece please 🥺🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
cool vid
4:23 the skeleton sounded like plankton from SpongeBob , would have been perfect if he said “ hero brine needs those elements krabs! “ I meant 4:30
I love all your videos its so cool can u mace a spider man video
Why won't you survive 100 days as the elemental warden
Fozo pls send a video of elemental herobrine pppppplllllssss
13:06 is that a YouTuber
You can try to do elemental sonic
Does anyone get avatar vibes from this
Can you do saitama from one punch man next plz
Do as null for 100 days
U never took null so try
Teorías usar el traductor automático especial de YouTube para que todos vean tus vídeos en el idioma que hablen en español por ejemplo
Are there pronouns they and then it he and she?
Are there pronouns them they or she and he?
Do survive as a fire warden
bronzo clone
does anyone think this is avatar in minecraf?
Zozo distorted Alex fozo elemental Steve
Elemental zombie
Do 100 Days as king ghidorah plssssssss
did anybody noticed when the witch said 'herobrine magic is dangerous' but the the one who the witch is talking to is steve
What about earth
Me: give alex ender pearl to help her:)
beat herobrine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love your videos!!!
My sister said you look like a rat