I forgor about spectator mode💀 Also, Im begging you to watch the longfrom video i posted (its the related video under my pfp). It will teach you a great life lesson❤️ ENJOY!
I have a video idea "Types of players when they destroy landscape in minecraft" The one that tries to rebuild it but fails: The one that rebuilds it succesfully: The i dont care: The one that instantly deletes the world:
I forgor about spectator mode💀 Also, Im begging you to watch the longfrom video i posted (its the related video under my pfp). It will teach you a great life lesson❤️ ENJOY!
Wait his first base has red paned glass?
You flrgot spectator
Bros what's the sound name in 0:19???
Plot twist he has no freinds
Rip spectator and hardcore
I love my crave plush ! 😊😊
Spectator : The white crayon , always seems useless when on white paper but on black its best. just like how spectator is good for trolling
The cute cat 💀💀
The heart made wanna shit my slef because if laughter
Bro forger spectatir mode 💀💀💀
Spectator: spy’s on friends
So your just gonna add mr beast and think we wouldn't know
What about hardcore?
Why does the creative mode like he calls his friend like a hog riderXD
i'm always creative mode and survival
I have a video idea "Types of players when they destroy landscape in minecraft"
The one that tries to rebuild it but fails:
The one that rebuilds it succesfully:
The i dont care:
The one that instantly deletes the world:
The cat's still better than wutt I do
Spectator mode(i saw the pin) & Debug mode & Hardcore mode
Hardcore and spectator mode left the chat
Isn’t hardcore a gamemode 2?
I bough a crave plush
Spectator and hardcore
That was me playing fake Minecraft.
Hey Chris can you give me some permissions in your discord server to talk
I mean crave
At least crave's cat build is better than mine 💀
“Blobby bobby =sigma”
You forgot the hardcore mod
Spectator and hard core left the chat
Reason why i hate adventure. I cannot break block s