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100 Days of Minecraft Pixelmon Single Player Challenge, trying to complete the following goals:
* Catch a Shiny Pokemon;
* Defeat a Mega Boss;
* Catch a Legendary Pokemon;
* Catch 200 Total Pokemon; and
* Obtain 8 Gym Badges
✅ SUBSCRIBE for more Pokemon challenges: https://www.youtube.com/keeganj?sub_confirmation=1
▶️ PLAYLIST of MONOTYPE Pokemon Hardcore Nuzlockes: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLoKICX4PmrWWSakAHQjpUtbCE_zlPwNQ4
🔴 VIDEO – Can JUST ONE Pichu Beat Pokemon Legends: Arceus? : https://youtu.be/qlup6a-7SDw
– Live on Twitch: https://twitch.tv/keeganjtv
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Edited by Luker: https://www.youtube.com/c/LukerYT
#pokemon #pixelmon #100days #minecraft
✅ QUESTION: What starter do YOU choose in Minecraft Pixelmon?
🔴 NEXT: Can JUST ONE Pichu Beat Pokemon Legends: Arceus? https://youtu.be/qlup6a-7SDw
🌐 Thanks to Bloodline: Heroes of Lithas for sponsoring the video and supporting the channel. Check them out here: https://app.adjust.com/2cdwtgd_4iy03tb
U missed a shiny zangoose
🎉hey. Make. A thousand days in pixelmon. With. Your progress 🎉
im bricked rn
Probably scorbunny or rowlet
100 days in minecraft pixlemon with subscribers
NGL, that pokemon healer sound effects just sound like a dying microwave set on 5 seconds…
the best starter in the game is mudkip charmander is not that good
You killed a shiny mega
How do you play this mod
whats the modpack
It’s definitely oshawat
He missed shiny mega bedrill
POV your scrolling chat to see the hidden shin
I would have chose Mudkip, not only is it adorable but it has decent stats in the early game as well and only having one weakness which is EASILY avoidable AND being strong against I good chunk of the gyms.
F in the chat for that stupid magicarp
Great video! I want to download the mod too, are you using the forge version?
R.i.p 😂
The shiny to missed is the mega beedrill
im dons grandson and my favorite is litten its just based on a a kitten and i love kittens
Imagine liking skarmory XD
Can u try pokemon emerald enchanced challenege mode?
There we're two missed shinys, Mega Beedrill and Scisors
No pokeballs are you the original purplecliffe
Did u miss that the mega beedrill was shiny?
I'd pick froakie turtwig or sobble
In my Pokemon Crystal run which I'm still doing I chose chikorita which evolves into a bayleef which is pretty good
The dice is rigged there's only Charmander on the dice
Let's go charmannder lovers I will subscribe to you
Nice content bud would like to know how to get this for my PS4 definitely want to play it
While you're talking about lavitar i just killed a shiny lavitar in pokemon Shield
What version of mc is this?
YOU magicarp karma for not losing
POV your scrolling if anyone else found the shiny Pokémon
Need money get a Meowth and lvl it up to 20
I don't want to sound rude at all but literally I mean LITERALLY everyone in the beginning of pixelmon videos: "wow a lvl 100 megaboss, maybe I could win with my baby pokemons"
edit: yeah I know, zamazenta, hariyama etc. but you know what I mean
That was a shiny zorua
The legendary Keegan J never disappoints
That beedrill megaboss was shiny😳