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I caught every mob from Minecraft in the end while in hardcore
This is the 3rd part of my complete end dimension transformation. I updated from Minecraft 1.18 to 1.19 to attempt to trap the Warden and every other mob!
Video inspired by sandiction!
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#minecraft #but #hardcore
Thank you for watching! What's your favorite mob?
🡳 Please read my whole comment for more information. 🡳
First of all, thank Shulkercraft and Sandiction for inspiration to make this video! I want to mention however, that this video is NOT a copy of either of them. Shulkercraft and Sandiction each originally collected 64 mobs, in this video I update to 1.19. In the update there are 86 total mobs, and most of them were in the end to make it even more tricky! 😄
I want to mention that if you notice any weird XP chances, that is due to the was the video was edited. Whenever a new mob was name tagged, I would spend a level on a name tag. Also, sometimes some of the clips were taken out of order to make the overall edit better.
you were not the first shulkercraft has already done it
you forgot the vex
What about Vexes
Sandifacatoin did it before you
Wow the dedication. But why didnt u name the fish cod of duty damn bro..
Rip no blue axo or brown panda
Hardest video he ever made
you forgot the pandas
Whats the mod to make mob animation cool
you didnt collect all panda in mincraft there 6-7 different panda and you just take 1
Yure dedication is soo inspiring….
Btw yu could throw eggs instead of leading the chicken js
dude sandiction did that you should have gave him credit
Why do the totem’s eye disappear and reappear
Great video as always! Just a quick question which texture pack are I using for the connected glass outline at 1:02?
8:23 a ghast is a big freeking annoying little ghost robot that shoots fireballs when ur bridging so you can fall to your death
My bet was that you couldn’t hit 500k before 8000 days and i was CORRECT
But still the video is very well done Thanks for the time put in the video <3
Butm what about brown panda and red fox?
The totems are blinking
Not the forst
there is like 4 different frogs
This video was awesome! I love the dedication you put in to all of your videos
Get 1000 level (:
Were are the wither and the iron golem
Blobe has subscribed, have a nice game
What is your minecraft client??
I'm from India
You missed on tadpole. You can put them in item frame in bucket
it is pronounced ravager not ravenger
Hi that must have been hard but there is a zombie on a cat but its a 1 in a trillion chance so sry to rewen the fun but good job😀😀😄
the wither is posible
I think u forgot zombie horse
Does this man have mob animation packs? 16:26
24:29 i got strack by lightning 4 times in 5 minutes
make a map download
warden isn't gonna despawn ? you should've put a noise maker so it doesn't despawn and you can enter his cage without being attacked