I hope theyll add something to give this biome something cool so we can have a reason to go Not that game changing like breeze charges or the mace Idk just like.. a worn down structure and new cosmetics
I personally would like if they continued with the small updates then it’s more easy to get into rather than everything being dropped into one hard dungeon
Fitting everything into 60 seconds was hard so SUBSCRIBE
Can’t wait till someone makes a creaking farm
did u see larry doyle on the chat cuz thats me on my dads acc
The smaller updates thing will be the death of modders tho
Coil head ahh mob (if ykyk)
They can take back the Minecraft movie any day now. I hope…
I hope theyll add something to give this biome something cool so we can have a reason to go
Not that game changing like breeze charges or the mace
Idk just like.. a worn down structure and new cosmetics
So they’ve added a weeping angel NICE
We needed hardcore for so long! FINALLY
Agnus looks like Wednesday lmao
bedrock has only existed for 8 years, so it can’t have been 13, still way too long tho
So the creeking is just a reverse enderman?
I joked with my friends that the creaking is Minecraft FNAF without mods 😂😂
first more bs crap that reduces fps by 90 percent
Mob drop?
hardcore mode was in bedrock edition, before microsoft bought minecraft, but it was removed pretty quickly
The creaking heart is perfect to troll friends with
Minecraft prank youtubers having a field day with the creaking
Guys when will hardcore be added?
They probably heard all the hate towards Jason Momoa’s craft that they shed light as to why it happened so they aren’t persecuted till if premieres 😂
We got dwellers in vanilla minecraft before gta 6 💀
Guys who dont know why steve look like this, is a REAL fan Minecraft him playing minimum 3 hours per day
I personally would like if they continued with the small updates then it’s more easy to get into rather than everything being dropped into one hard dungeon
Bro just skip movie nobody cares about that 😑
Before tonight Minecraft bedrock edition I really want to know what was the snow update recite the life Minecraft
This is allready a normal minecraft big upt
Creaking heart look like a tree with a sap🗿
Can’t wait for them to name it the creaky and freaky
We're basically getting weeping angels!! 🙂