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I Collected 1000 Armadillos in Minecraft hardcore and built them an epic armadillo island, with everything an armadillo could ever want!
Get your REDMAGIC 9s Pro here! https://bit.ly/4cQXYvd
✳️ Watch from the start! ✳️
Shoutout to @GamerZyt and @Guilf for competing!
🐥 Twitter: https://twitter.com/LockDownLife
📸 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/__lockdownlife__
📱TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@lockdownlife_offical
🟣 Discord server (I’m active): https://discord.gg/wZz7av6Yv8
🔴 My second channel: @LockDownPlays
This Hardcore Minecraft series is inspired by aCookieGod, Sandiction and Wadzee. This Minecraft Hardcore series is full of Minecraft challenges and sometimes I will make a Hardcore Minecraft Full Movie. This is similar to 100 days but better 😎
#minecrafthardcore #hardcoreminecraft #minecraft
Don't forget to check out the REDMAGIC 9s Pro here! https://bit.ly/4cQXYvd
Thanks for watching me and my armadillos 🙂
0:32 WHATTTT 💀💀💀💀💀💀
Bro they only eat spider eyes but I love your videos
lockdownlife the worlds best youtber
Spider eye finally been used
You almost said ohio😂
That's a lot of armadillos
How is it 68 bone
It took acookiegod 3days to get all dogs
I feel bad for the ammadilos that is supposed to be balls
But Mello collected 5k armadillos😶🌫️
21 hours and 233936 views T-T bro fell off
People that are watching in 2024
pls bro dont use God's name in vain
Bruh i got jumpscared from a fricking baby crying sound i'm such a coward😂
How did you get grass block? 10:27
I doesn't get a 5 likes in a comment
How much?
I have always wondered how do you count the amount of armadillos you have?
Bro killed the snowy dog😢😢
You kan di the wolfe armore😂
Bro got two by two when he first breeded the amradillos
you are the best at minecraft hardcore lockDownLife and also have 89x the subscribers that I have, I only have 9 subscribers
Hi lockdown!
I love your ❤videos
Yeah! Armadillos are cute!!!
hey lockdownlife messi or ronaldo
13:10 is that bottle of ominous?!
What inspired you of making your skin
Face reveal
You can dye wolf armor
Disney world❌
Armadillo world ✅
:() 🙂 🙁 :/ :' : :] :[ 😐 :} :{ :< :>
:{} :[]
10million subs more like it
Hello lockown ☺️
Isn’t this animal cruelty?
Hey LockDown if you reach 2M subscribers, would you make a video live stream or face reveal?
12.00 this tote
Can we all just appreciatie how much time and effort LockDownLife puts into these videos?