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I Collected 1000 Armadillos in Minecraft hardcore and built them an epic armadillo island, with everything an armadillo could ever want!
Get your REDMAGIC 9s Pro here! https://bit.ly/4cQXYvd
Watch from the start!
Shoutout to @GamerZyt and @Guilf for competing!
Twitter: https://twitter.com/LockDownLife
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/__lockdownlife__
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@lockdownlife_offical
Discord server (I’m active): https://discord.gg/wZz7av6Yv8
My second channel: @LockDownPlays
This Hardcore Minecraft series is inspired by aCookieGod, Sandiction and Wadzee. This Minecraft Hardcore series is full of Minecraft challenges and sometimes I will make a Hardcore Minecraft Full Movie. This is similar to 100 days but better
#minecrafthardcore #hardcoreminecraft #minecraft
Don't forget to check out the REDMAGIC 9s Pro here! https://bit.ly/4cQXYvd
Thanks for watching me and my armadillos

Bro they only eat spider eyes but I love your videos
lockdownlife the worlds best youtber
Spider eye finally been used
You almost said ohio
That's a lot of armadillos
How is it 68 bone
It took acookiegod 3days to get all dogs
I feel bad for the ammadilos that is supposed to be balls
But Mello collected 5k armadillos
21 hours and 233936 views T-T bro fell off
People that are watching in 2024

pls bro dont use God's name in vain
Bruh i got jumpscared from a fricking baby crying sound i'm such a coward
How did you get grass block? 10:27
I doesn't get a 5 likes in a comment
How much?
I have always wondered how do you count the amount of armadillos you have?
Bro killed the snowy dog

You kan di the wolfe armore
Bro got two by two when he first breeded the amradillos
you are the best at minecraft hardcore lockDownLife and also have 89x the subscribers that I have, I only have 9 subscribers
Hi lockdown!
I love your
Yeah! Armadillos are cute!!!
hey lockdownlife messi or ronaldo
13:10 is that bottle of ominous?!
What inspired you of making your skin
Face reveal
You can dye wolf armor
Disney world

Armadillo world
:/ :' : :] :[
:} :{ :< :>
:{} :[]
10million subs more like it
Hello lockown
Isn’t this animal cruelty?
Hey LockDown if you reach 2M subscribers, would you make a video live stream or face reveal?
12.00 this tote
Can we all just appreciatie how much time and effort LockDownLife puts into these videos?