I Built The PERFECT XP FARM In Minecraft Hardcore

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I Built The PERFECT XP FARM In Minecraft Hardcore

Last episode we built a wizard tower starter base, and as much as I’d like to complete the interior today, my progress is kind of being bottlenecked by our tools and the amount of xp we have

so today we are going to be building an xp farm to help us get the levels we need to continue the series
My music and 2 Months Free of Artlist.io – https://artlist.io/artlist-70446/?artlist_aid=incybusiness_3075&utm_source=affiliate_p&utm_medium=incybusiness_3075&utm_campaign=incybusiness_3075
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-tags-minecraft,minecraft hardcore,I Built The PERFECT XP FARM In Minecraft Hardcore,incy,incy minecraft,minecraft xp farm,minecraft perfect start
timestamps –
00:00 – Phase 1 (Stone and Oak)
02:03 – Phase 1 (Location Location)
02:52 – Phase 1 (Skeleton)
04:45 – Phase 2 (Sweeping Edge)
05:13 – Phase 2 (Playing In The Earth)
08:05 – Phase 2 (I Like My Stone Drippy)
08:50 – Comment of The Day
10:03 – Phase 3 (A Salty Situation)
10:58 – Phase 3 (Onwards and Upwards)
12:19 – Phase 3 (Finishing Touches)
12:31 – Finale


35 thoughts on “I Built The PERFECT XP FARM In Minecraft Hardcore”

  1. Hello! New viewer here, I just wanted to say I really enjoy your editing style as well as your choice of musical pieces, it makes for a very pleasant viewing experience! (I also like your voice, I tend to enjoy quieter, calmer speakers)

    My only critique is about the subtitles; they are very cool to have, but due to the small animation they have when they appear and the speed at which they can change, the words kind of blur in front of my eyes. I don't know if others have had this problem, but would it be possible to reduce the strength of this animation? Have a good day! I've subscribed, and am eagerly waiting for more 😀

  2. I really like this build! One thing that struck me was with it looking like a bit of a ruin, the very top is clean and squared off…maybe add a few blocks of height variation to stick with the "ruin" theme

  3. I absolutely love this, you have a new subscriber. I’m a writer and your style is super inspiring – how could you see this and not want to create a world of lore for these amazing builds? I didn’t see your old hardcore world, but clearly YouTube’s algorithm thought I should join to watch the new one!

  4. I love your content dude your voice is insanely relaxing and you I can see and hear how much you work on your buildings and that determination is crazy! Keep up the legendary work and don’t let haters bring u down ❤

  5. Love your videos! Quick suggestion: you built your starter base, but you didn’t use it for anything so it really wasn’t a base. You had that wood hit with all your furnaces and chests out in the open to get the wood you would need. That’s totally fine, but it might help you have more fun and keep the audience more invested if you builds had aesthetics and function!

  6. You are so incredibly talented. I’m always so surprised at how you use the different texture of the blocks to make things come to life. Can’t wait to see how the rest of this series goes. ❤


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