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I Built a REALISTIC Planet in Hardcore Minecraft
Watch from the beginning: youtube.com/playlist?list=PLW_SBxpGDR6WdfYF59PsjLSJuVTdUOJzx
Watch the last one: youtu.be/wiUQR1s13lA
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This is the 13th episode of my new 1.17 Hardcore Minecraft letsplay! Innit I built a REALISTIC planet… This is the biggest build I’ve ever built, by far.
This series is inspired by Wadzee and Luke TheNoteable Hardcore Minecraft Series, as well as Mumbo Jumbo and Grian on the Hermitcraft server. However, instead of it being Wadzee, Luke, Mumbo Jumbo or Grian, it’s actually just sandiction, POG. I like to make Giant Mega Builds, and this is similar to a Custom Minecraft Challenge video, except the Custom Minecraft Challenge is to survive. You could call this Minecraft, But Hardcore.
I Built a Planet in Minecraft Hardcore
#minecraft #but #hardcore
All music by Kevin Macleod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 licence.
Link to Artist: https://incompetech.com/music/
current sub count: 221,228
I look your hardcore survival videos for the 3rd time and it is still nice
Wow how did you make that planet without dying
the most patient man in minecraft.
on the cacti you should add buttons to act as the pokey things
Why r u not using the netherite stuff?
he just stole the torch !!! omg laugh me !!!XDDD
Dude. This man built an ENTIRE PLANET in a HARDCORE WORLD just for DECORATION. Respect.
I bills that planet
It dug me 67 minets
SandIcTICo your stopped bot
this took him 40 hours but we are seeing it in only 17 minutes XD
So …. actually there is a youtuber who built a planet in survival minecraft, but he is a German, spark of pheonix is he called. He built it during a youtuber project as his base and it took him half a year! (but it was bigger I think and he built also a lot in the inside)
bro they look like you copy and pasted the biomes you used in builds but u didn’t it’s insane what a god
5:50 That drive by on the sheep made me laugh.
Your legendary
Imagine not using optifine smh
Ok kkkkkkkkkkk
Getting big now
Magnificent I’ve built a planet 🌎 but I’m not a YouTuber
best asmr video ever😂
Am I only the only one who imagines it's the totem character talking since he's right next to the subtitles?
you legend what a build
how many times did he say "super sick" lol
You forgot the savanna biome
Can we just respect the fact that he did this for us and how did he get a million subs from 20 videos, thats rich
Can I get some help on a project on minecraft a little like this one?
12:53 isn't supposed to be tuff?
are you serious in minecraft hardcore that was amazing
Good vid
Also Nobody:
Sandiction:-using diamonds and ancient debris as decoration-.
moss: am i a joke to you >_<
ah yes my favourite biome: FARM
0:54 thats actually kinda cute
5:50 what my big brother does when he passes by me
him saying how cool it’s ganna look every time he finishes a section is a coping mechanism for how much work he knows he’s gotta did still😂