How to NOT get BORED playing MINECRAFT

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fWhip is talking about HOW TO NOT GET BORED PLAYING MINECRAFT SURVIVAL. Focusing on how to stay entertained and motivated while playing in a long term minecraft 1.20 survival world. How to have fun playing minecraft? Subscribe!

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30 thoughts on “How to NOT get BORED playing MINECRAFT”

  1. Hope you enjoy today's video! Something a little bit different that I think is really important to talk about for Minecraft players! Did you find this helpful? Or anything else you do to stay motivated?

  2. My main problem is that I have a lot of ideas of buildings but when it comes to build it I don't have idea how to start it and also my abilities in building are VERY bad and when I build somethink its look awful.

  3. If you're bored about minecraft maybe just don't play minecraft.
    Go outside. Learn the piano. Learn some useful skill.
    You don't have to waste your time on some "long term minecraft project"

  4. i tend to slightly mod my minecraft to have the multiplayer chats that span from normal servers to modded, I enjoy community even if it's just people talking across servers.

  5. the key difference here is that youre getting bored after doing all the stuff to beat the game, i get bored after building a ramshackle house and getting iron tools, i love minecraft but i get tired of worlds so quick, a method ive found to make it a bit less boring is modding in hunger in peaceful, i genuinely dont enjoy hostile mobs so i always play in peaceful but when you have no hunger it really de-incentivizes doing anything other than building your house and then mining, so i mod that in, and it makes me have to farm and kill animals and whatnot, adds a lot actually

  6. On one hand it's very cool and useful video. On the other hand, maybe people should just move on to other things because there are so many interesting, creative stories and games out there, it's a shame to just get stuck on one, no matter how much you love it.

  7. you’ve inspired me a lot with the world i’m currently playing on! i’ve really been experimenting with building and getting a lot better at it, and i really like how every build you make has a whole story behind it, not just a reason you need to build it. it really does make the game more fun!!

  8. Start a village in the end, complete with gardens, livestock, villagers, and a fish pond. That’ll keep you busy for a minute. I’m working on a 100×100 pyramid in a desert that’s built out of sandstone. Still not sure what I’m going to do with it, but it keeps it fresh.

  9. I enjoy the danger of early/midgame Minecraft and fighting mobs just for the sake of it, but by endgame that's largely irrelevant. You have armor that makes you practically invincible, you have mob farms which makes collecting resources this way kinda pointless, and if I want to find a challenging dungeon to conquer I have to go way out of my way to do so, not to mention in a multiplayer setting someone else has probably already done that.

  10. Honestly I’ve been struggling to get back into the game. I haven’t had an actual decent world for almost 4 years and I’ve attempted to play with friends, my brother, and once by myself but each time I lost interest within a few weeks

  11. Thank you so much for the wonderfully inspirational vid eh! I'm really wanting to start up a minecraft series of my own, and like all folks just way too nervous about hitting that record button and giving it a go!

    I'm gonna take the time to go back and watch your earlier long term series, to hopefully get that kick in the tail I need to get started!

    Your world is absolutely gorgeous bud, and I hope you are so heckin' proud of what you've accomplished!

  12. I respect the mindset, but for me it just feels like a waste of effort on a dead world for only you to enjoy. I can sort of get it in an online environment were you at least can share your creations, but the fact remains that you build these giant projects that serves no other purpose than to look impressive in the confines of Minecraft. I guess what I'm trying to say is that to me these very time consuming things don't serve a satisfying purpose. You could argue that it's art, and art serves no purpose and probably be right, doesn't change my own mindset about it.

  13. I made a server just for me. And sometimes some friends join and build too 🙂
    My own little story that I wrote, on a custom server with high levelled mobs, custom events that happen, NPCs etc. It keeps me super entertained 🙂

  14. I'm playing this so long now I forgot that sheep, cows and animals in general aren't actually made up of square blocks, I was shocked when I saw a real sheep while on a train recently. The sheep wasn't actually on the train but in a field. Maybe you can spend to much time at it.


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