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Server IP – play.BendersMC.co (PORT – 19132)
Version – Java / Bedrock (1.20+)
Discord & Socials – https://linktr.ee/BendersMC
#minecraft #shorts #minecraftmemes
Server is Java & Bedrock 1.20+ We have a connection tutorial on Discord if you need it!👻
How do I play with cracked Minecraft?
When I was playing factions for the first time, is it normal for when you put in your bender of choice to have no
ability’s in the slots? Do you have to earn the ability’s?
Am i able to play this server on PS4 because i am broke af
Hey blist, when you use the air banding effect to go invisible, can they see the effect particles?
chi blocker is underrated ngl
Is their an avatar?
Dose your armor and tools become invisable when chi blocking?
Day 3 of asking it to be made tlauncher friendly
is the server vr compatible?
You literally have a giant trail while using the mirage ability, you'll just die if u use it and it's a wasted slot
Day 48 of Commenting My Earth bending. Idea Until I get noticed. And Potentially added to the game
Name :EarthSerpent
Damage: 2 Hearts every 3 seconds
So what the ability does is in crouch for a couple seconds. And then stop crouching whenever some particles appear. And A snake looking thing will be in front of you and you can move it around by turning your screen. Kind of like fire disk. And also like firedisk, you can throw it, return it. But Throw and return are the only things that it will share with fire disk. So basically what I mean is after you summon It You will be able Move it forward, return it. Make it Spin around you. And finally It will disappear. But something Else that is special about it is if you move it below you And crouch.
It will fling you A bit up and. forward and the particles of the snake will be. Below you while you're in the air as If you were riding on it. But after you did it, it would disappear. And of course, you couldn't use it forever. It would eventually disappear naturally.
And that's it
I don't think this is necessary. But my Minecraft username is.me8651
Hey man you need to add void element
what is a chi blocker
Me holding Crouch, other people in ministery of magic.
Particles: Allow me to introduce myself
Really dumb question but how do i use tools while not activating my abilities
Question:can you change your bending ability?.
The camouflage ability sucks because wherever they saw you going to the pool they know you're still there because you can't move.
Wy'd you dont did an arabic channel pleeeeease😢
Blitz it's a good idea to make the fire and water elements have camouflage abilities as well like water benders can camoflauge in icebergs or water good idea right?
im a fire bender 😢
Is there an avatar on the server?
cough Alina Starkov cough cough
How to bend with a normal world? Without no server
Ok who wants to help me make an amusement park and hotel in benders mc,?
Yo bendersmc i dont know how to bend can you help me??
Chi blocking is the middle child
Or just do /wild lmao
Can plantbenders activate plant armor next to coral?
Video starts, my telephone what turned off but sound is going 👍
I love your server I want to play it so bad
but I dont have a mojang
account I play cracked mincraft (non premium minecraft) so i can only
join non premium minecraft servers
Make me visitor
😮 can water benders create cloud/steem stealth cover?
I have a question dear sir, if 12 months have passed by and you will reset the world every 12 months in survival does it affect the houses and castles we build?
Fire bending?