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I Investigated Minecraft in Real Life
Follow me on Twitter @skipthetweets
Check out my Instagram @skipthetutorial
Character is drawn by @MagnaGallina
Produced by Jonah Walters
Shot by Parkzer
Edited by NOOBster
Removed Herobrine
All other original content, unless expressly noted otherwise, is ©2024, by the Skip the Tutorial creator, all rights reserved.
Who spell Moiang is PhoenoxSC
Like if you went I did!
i really hope i dont get sucked into the machine and my father cant get me out and starts a whole arc about destroying minecraft
I went there
I go there today
Minecraft movie has a blue cube that opens a portal
Minecraft expierience…. Oddly familiar.. to a orange stickmen with a child…
Don't show this to king orange
Its animation vs minecraft episode 30 all over again
I went to it on November 3rd and it was absolutely amazing
Adam Parkzer! What a pleasant surprise!
Maybe you should go to the Dallas Cowboys, which is in Dallas Texas
Minecraft but on a bigger screen and instead of keyboard or touchscreen it’s just a cube for a controller and RTX ON WITH QUALITY MOVING MOTION:
Just make sure when you glitched and long gone don't let your dad get revenge and destroy minecraft.
there is a whole minecraft animation series on why you shouldnt do this
Speed. Run. It.
Your the best
face revel
Yo so i work here and we're still actively upgrading things as we go along! Now the end you get to see how many villagers you saved and the achievements have different tiers!
Where was this because I want one of those orbs of interaction
How did you find it
Face reveal!
its ever so rare to get an opportunity like this, i once got an opportunity like this back in high school around 2016 where a few other school mates and i got to go to a developers house to see a in development interactive game called Mech Mayhem Run by Fire shark gaming in Wichita unfortunately the company went out of business years ago.
This gives me flashbacks to king, gold, purple, dark blue, pink and the main 5 (alan becker)
But Where is it at i really want to go there so badly