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Today, Nico and his friends become ZOMBIES in Minecraft! As zombies, they are able to blend in with the undead and eat flesh! Will Nico and his friends be able to return back to human?! Watch to find out!
#Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Nico #NicoAndCash
Hi nico and cach
29:21 grg
Can you meet koryin please
Suprskrajp niko cash shady zoey 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍🤗😍😍🤗
What the fuck has nico turned into
I like Ur new houses
Nico,cash,shady and zoey i have to tell you some thing i like when your speaking london language 😂😂for real i like it and can you do some comment reading in your youtube shorts
I love you nico zoey cash and shady you are so cool
Every one I know Nico real name and which shool he goes to HIS NAME I can't tell by DUNCAN
nico im using ur texture pack ur texture pack is amazing
Hey cash is jahwseh is that xxxtentacion
I think you should make your new video about a glitch that's taking over
Wait a minute the moon reflects sun light meaning your still getting hit by the sun
Jeffry bezos
Come on jeffry you can do it
Pay the back put your back into it
Tell us why
Show us how
Look at you came but look at u now
Minecraft Play together
Harassment they turned into zombies cash and nico is in the graveyard
Nico I’m a big fan but you need to start making more videos or notnico I like it and I want to see you do a lot of Godbridgeing to please do a lot more videos kroy do the godbridgeing Drop OP stuff
There’s so much zombies from Reagan, laser, Lee
Nico I subscribe to you you welcome. I love you.
Nico Say AAAAAAAAAAAAaa🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Cash and Nico are both top 50
Love your vids! Shady is the funniest!
I hate u notnico because u tried to killl someone in minecraft
nico your videoes are very good and someone that is my friend is called nico lol but you may awesome videos keep it up.
Next vid how do you meet shady pls
Make videos in Roblox not Minecraft the enderman is sending your microphone to some wear else❤
become dream become dream become dream become dream
Please do more videos like this it made me laugh is so many times
Nico how did u get so many views when first video do u have main channel?!?!
Nico mext video should be playing as a king of animals
Nico your best friend is Kory
I think they didn’t eat it cuz the horse comes from horse meat but the same number when they went back outside I think they left the horses to another dimension._.