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►Did the 1.18 Minecraft Update make Minecraft too easy? Lets find out in this Minecraft Documentary! We will look at the new features of Minecraft, that make the game either harder, or easier!
Thumbnail: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QJps1qzw1lc – COBE Studio
Bedrock Footage at 2:22: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQNV0gLRJmg&t=189s – Gamingguidesde
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Now for the word mess 🙂
►This Minecraft Documentairy, covers all of the new 1.18 features, that this new Minecraft Update brings! It features cinematic 1.19 shots of minecraft, and shows the warden, the new biomes, the new 1.18 biomes, and much more. It is not a 1.18 survival Let’s play or a 1.18 survival update, but rather a Minecraft 1.18 docmentary for the new caves and cliffs update!
Sorry for the lag but replay mod did not release for 1.18 yet! So i had to record everything in spectator mode which caused a lot of lag with my beast shader :/
Bro, Minecraft is literally amazing, it has so many unique and cool aspects for beginners to people tryharding the game at its fullest! On top of that Mojang is actually one of the best game companies that listens to their community. Gotta say, Minecraft will always be my fav game <3
Amazing job! also how do you get those glowing ores?
Its not easy if u have no clue how to play
its harder because i use fullbright so i dont place torches and theres more mobs resulting in endless non stop battles with creepers and skeletons and eventually ur heart goes down over time and u die
the guy above me states facts
Finding A Skeleton Spawner Is way too OP if you farm it 😛
"Fossils now spawn with diamonds instead of coal" but only below y 0
The game has been too easy since shields I'd say lol
I will build my own prisons,I'll never gonna give them up and im gonna build inescapable prison than you.I know you wont build anymore prison but OK,Because i'll still go.!
I didn't watch the full video yet but I play Bedrock edition I was playing Creative Mode and I can't break any blocks with swords anymore
diamond availability has already been ruined by villager trading. it is purely optional to actually go out and mine some diamonds
I'm happy with the update overall, but I do wish Mojang would keep in mind the Survival aspect of Survival. I'm not saying make the game overly hard, but I want there to be more of a challenge and danger. I'm 130 hours into 1.18 with fully enchanted netherite armor and 0 deaths. I like to pride myself on not dying but even this is a bit ridiculous for me.
Are You Still Making Prisons Or Is There No Prison Better Than Gaias Vault
Minecraft is
I would say this is your best video ever (Maybe after the Gaia's Vault video). It's just so visually pleasing!
I literally went down into a cave the other day to find iron and coal and came back with 40 diamonds. Bruh.
so you didn't even go to the effort of finding your own fossil
diamonds only spawn in fossils under y=0, therefore no sand would show (but it's good of you to point out that fossils can spawn in deserts) and all of the ore should be the deepslate variant
did u guys know that 1.20 the end update is adding new armor/tools
Also one thing that is really really hard is mobs are so much more dangerous because I started a new world, and i died so many times. I go caving and then mobs start hording me, creepers exploding, 5 skeletons shooting at me, 1 baby zombie and like 4 others attacking AND spiders have gotten so annoying to, idk why but i feel like spiders like teaming with other mobs to feel more powerful. Now I have full diamond gear and not only that, I just got my new set and the dura is below half, besides leggings and chestplate, but this is because, the mobs are so much more abusive. And skeletons really like knocking you down which is why i really need to get netherite armor but still working on that. I could really use that 2 knock back resist and stronger protection and dura. and also lava proof. I fell in lava, and took like this much dura: (—–) thats a lot of dura wasted, when netherite armor laughs at me with dumb diamond armor legit. well dont you worry netherite, you wont be laughing till i get my hands on you. But what I'm also looking for is the new endium armour in 1.20, OMGGGG I'm just getting hungry thinking about it. Its going to be stronger then netherite.
That blind mob is going to easily get killed like a iron golem no threat
Bye 296 Comments!
that last bit sounded like a add
This should be the minecraft 1.18 trailer
That speech from like 3:10–3:38 was elicit literally left me in tears and its straight facts to
People say 1.18 is gonna change the whole game to better
Me I hate it for the caves and the deapslate and the mobs
I just play in 1,8/1.7 bc of PVP
For me update make the game harder, lol
Thats what the update mean its suposed to make the game even better good job mojang!
Noone cares about copper tho
a nice detail of the new generation of monsters is that I think the only thing I noticed is that it is more "pretty"
Monsters only spawn in complete darkness so you can't see them spawning, it's like they are literally coming out of the darkness to kill you and not appearing out of nowhere in front of you the way it was with low lighting
It broke all of my mob farms thanks mojang
What is that seed
Powdered Snow was so threatening when I first saw it, but it's absolutely a push-over. If it's naturally spawned, you just go to the bottom, and then punch out 2 blocks. Now if it's a playermade trap it can actually be dangerous, but you can still just wear leather boots
You can use this update to make your prison safer
The Ending should be minecrafts trailer
I hate the warden it’s harder then the actual bosses
It would be impressive if someone made the ancient city into an inescapable prison!