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In today’s Minecraft Block City Adventure episode, RageElixir accidentally traps his family INSIDE of a LEGO World in Minecraft! Watch the ENTIRE video to find out what happens next..
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#RageElixir #Minecraft #RageNation
Rage is the best❤
pls Play roblox bedwars
Rage has never failed us he makes us happy🤗
henry hs a new voice
What is that Lego texture pack
Rage really needs to get his own movie, I watched him everyday in the past years, he's a kind of good actor no offense, I think he was outstanding on his Oracy skills in his school years back.
I've bean watching rage since season 1
Hi rageElixer
Love you vid Rage … you made my day😊😊😊❤❤
I feel like rage I never put away my Legos if it's gone I'm gonna be the saddest person ever 😢😢😢
Guys is no one liking for him like the video
it has been many days since you upload the sorry video but still there is no videos as old rage expect that two videos
Rage don't listen to doctor panic and Henry there just talking to you and making you some work and then when you were finished your work they just don't need you anymore there just need you when you're useful ☕
i m og im og
still faking and click baiting i see.
some people never change i guess
Bro Legos are for every age
Sigma rage🗿🍷
In Minecraft night it is dangerous like mobs spawn all over that why it’s dangerous at night in Lego world.
i still sad from block city remember ashley died.
and can you please do more block city
why are you friends with henry he killed dave in block city
I like this video
The block city videos never gets old
Where did frosty go
rage i have an idea a glitch world and everything looks like 1s and 0s basically matrix would be a pretty cool episode I'm getting back into blox city havint watched it since 2021 because i lost interests i loved them old days but now the good old days are coming back! You never failed me youv ALWAYS been there to entertain me iv been subscribe for a while now cant believe you got almost 8m welp you deserve the 10m play button but ye iv been watching you since i was like 9 or 10 i think im 13 now but iv beeen watching you for more than 2 years now im gonna try to watch the block city episodes i missed and watch the future ones but ye love your vids rage keep up the great work i hope to see brandon action double a 12 and the rest of the gang in some future episodes
Fun fact I have legos just beside my setup
Do Roblox next pleaseeeeeee
Only a real fan will subscribe and I'm a real fan
I Miss the old Rage so much Like old Block city and playing with friends
Rageelixir is one of the best YouTuber,thanks for entertaining❤
Nice video
I am subscribed to
I thought legos can’t die?
Hey Rage,you should do a video were your family meets your parents ❤
It is crazy to think that rage jr is the same age as me
Rage jr:11
Whos the voice behined ashley
im your biggest fan