Guess the Minecraft block in 60 seconds 46

Minecraft Viki (video wiki) ➜

Can you guess the Minecraft block? You only have 60 seconds, so choose quickly!

#minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes


37 thoughts on “Guess the Minecraft block in 60 seconds 46”

  1. I’m here again

    1. Hanging roots are instantly broken but will not drop you need shears to make them drop
    2. Hanging roots can be used in a composter to create bone meal
    3. Bone mealing azalea will cause it to grow into an azalea tree making the hanging roots and rooted dirt to generate under it
    4. Hanging roots generate naturally in the overworld
    5. Hanging roots drop when rooted dirt is hoed and the rooted dirt will turn into normal dirt
    6. Hence the name it can only be placed on the underside of blocks


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