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Can I escape Minecraft’s most RIDICULOUS prison??…..the story of escaping the most feared escape room made by Seawatt…..the DIRT PRISON
Voice Actors: Evbo, @SeaWattgaming , @Grox
Actors: Evbo, @JoofyLooby
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The Ranger’s Tavern – Ean Grimm
Let's be honest, I'm way better of an escape artist than Seawatt…..enjoy the video!
I think you just failed because you're supposed to escape not die plus if you reply me I am telling seawatt
Ebvo: so i woke up in dis cage
Me: lol how the heck did he have the brain power at like 5 in the morning
Sussy boi evbo
damn this dude is a guiness
Me who's dies in lava and Escapes
they are seriously laying into the kenadian memes
But then ı had a very good ıdea. I used f5, see, usıjg f5 gıves me a whole new perspectıve and ı was able to see a chest ı couldnt have before
but then i used f5, see f5 gave me a whole new perspective allowing me to see something i couldn't before
You hacking since you cannot break bedrock
they should make a bedrock cube that you cant escape
I am absolutely loving this prison series! Keep up the good work!
"luckly i used this feature called f5 which will allow me to see outside of my own vision range
why did you get a friend
EVBO!I’m you biggest fan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Seawatt is more dumber than he knows
Is this a troll?
Looks like you're trapped,lol
You bad
How did you break bedrock
1:22 get wood then pillar up ._.
how can textures change lava into water and not take any damage💀💀💀💀
How did he break bedrock
Cheeter Evob wers pro player 👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎