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Minecraft Live has shown us the first features from 1.20
Previous Minecraft Update Video ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZ8a5oGNOQE&list=PLSUHnOQiYNg0IJ98O-DmQTkj2MclJsZ8_
Minecraft Updates Playlist ► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL51FB077B700C0148
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If we want to quibble about semantics; the warped/crimson planks are the first to be made from something other than logs because they are technically fungus and their "log" block are actually called "stems" in game. You're essentially right though; Bamboo is the first fully non-log/stem based wood block, or so we understand from the preview.
it sucks 2 see one of my favorite childhood youtubers has fallen off so much, thanks for all the childhood memories you were a integral part of a lot of our lives
4:40 Actually bigbrain idea with the bookshelves
The new bookshelf is absolutely my favourite feature so far, imagine making a full library and you can actually read and use the books
This was by far the weakest update I've had the displeasure of knowing about…
Almost nothing of substantial value was added minus the Camel.
Bamboo should have been added ages ago, though I would like to point out that while I know Minecraft is not real life, Bamboo is not wood.
Sniffer is a completely useless mob, and the chiseled bookshelves to even an untrained eye look nothing like bookshelves, and only can hold 6 books, and are an entirely new block…
Also Mosaic Bamboo is just bad looking poor man's Tatami mats…
Hanging signs are cool, not really gameplay changing or adding every much creativity…
Adding sideways slabs and stairs would be a start in the creativity department…
Lady’s and gentlemen we won THE SNIFFER Is BACK BOYS
The raft is literally pointless. They could have just made a bamboo boat.
I love the idea of camels yeeting mobs and players to the future(???) space update. 😂
I’ve always been overwhelmed or confused with the all at once update stuff like the last few, I never liked that there was snapshots but they didn’t happen for months after what they featured was announced, and then all year was waiting for the announcements to slowly accumulate into the game. For that snapshots didn’t seem anything worth caring about to me. With it differently this year, and more like past updates I’ve been told, we get some snapshots quicker and the snapshots will have more fresh purpose later when they tell us of more stuff.
hey captain, nice to see you again, i missed you, can you make a music video again, i really like hearing you sing
I used to rule the world
now there's reason for a mod creator to make a Raft mod pack. Could make a giant raft by using the smaller ones that'd be cool. I'm sure there's already a Raft mod pack meaning a mod pack based on the game Raft btw 🙂
painfully unfunny
I hope mojang update the villages and add these hanging signs on each workshops like i.e. "toolsmith","weaponsmith","butcher", etc…
apotheosis (mod) is gonna have a blast with changing books
as a room divider, bamboo poles that can be placed horizontally like end rods. With camels this is looking like an Asia update.
Imagine you surround your enchant table with chiseled bookshelves filled with mending books and then you get mending on every roll !!
The builder in me is drooling
Bamboo is a grass. It ain't wood.
i will briefly point out that they did actually say that the hanging signs will be crafted with stripped logs and chain.
If they leave it untitled and they add geese into the game, then they can call it the untitled goose update, lol
all vertion of minecraft you "create" yours skyns
I don't mind having small features added to the game, it's just when they promise too much and let people down. Just adding small amounts of features to lead up to a larger update would be much better
I think how you will make bamboo wood is a 4/4 crating recipe
Race update
I think the camels should just spit and they should save the insta kill for a kangaroo
the fact that Mojang is so lazy that they couldn't even tell us what the new update is, is pathetically sad. What's the point of Minecraft live if you don't even announce what the next big update is?
For the algorithm!
The Bits and Pieces update
honestly since they have the goal of making minecraft more “minecraftier” we should call this update the “Minecraft Update”
did anyone here that noise from underwater when the rafts were being showcased?
I would love it if they reintroduced archeology and called it something like “the Ancient Secrets update”
I have a weird nitpick with the camel and the newer mobs, and that is that their animations are too good and out of place if you were to put them next to an old Mob.
3:40 I’m sorry but it sound like he’s trying to fish for reasons it’s cool
chance of something new and this is really exciting!
They should call it the “Random Bullshit Update”