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Breaking 22 Minecraft Records in 24 Hours
with PrestonPlayz 👊
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#minecraft #worldrecord #speedrun
4 hours
I bet no one had liked and subscribers until he said lol
How was this impossible if it was he would try the pink sheep and mooshroom speedrun and hero of the village
Preston plz make another fortnite video you haven't made one in ages
Your little friend Camman18 got the record for the fastest buried treasure chest found
Preston you make me laugh so hard
When you couldn't die in 31 seconds or less I laughed so hard but then when you broke the record I smiled and cried
Dom too op
lol all of these "records" are false. Btw at 5:40 pro speedrunners can literally find a burried treasure in 3 seconds LOL
You Brighten my day and continue to surprise me with your outstanding videos and amazing content keep on your journey to success 🎉 thanks for lifting our spirits. I am motivated by you and also make Minecraft videos.
You in sonic 2 movie
No that wasnt an buried treasure
I beaten all records
Amazing vid! More of this would be great!
PRESTON why are you in new SONIC2 movie!
Dude I wish I had Minecraft my dad says it's so expensive
For a gsme
eugen plays
He did not find a buried treasure it was something else
Camman has beat the buried treasure record
Preston I wish I was your big brother
I saw you on the sonic 2 movie
Some of these records are long for you even tho FINDING A VILLAGE IS HARDER THEN FINDING A EMERALD
So Uhhh Some People Aren't Lucky.
I Think You Should Make More Record Videos.
it's really amazing👍
You are the best YouTuber
wow the bees were a bad idea
The passion for doing all 10 is amazing👏👍
their house🐕
If dom sees this then hi dom 🙂
homie that aint buried treasure LOLLLL
Ya know the craze thing here is that i was playing sonic and preston said "im fastmlike sonic".!
Dom is the best
Jo are the best at minecraft
nice whenyou gona post a normal video aka a minecraft but video with CAMMAN18
that was not buried tresure it was from the drowned thing
Preston I did not know your in the sonic 2 moive!
Preston I did not know your in the sonic 2 moive!
actually camman has set the record for the buried treasure
I beat the record of building the fastest house