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Escape the Evil Killer in Minecraft… it gets crazy.
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#Minecraft #minecraftbut #Zud
minecraft mods gameplay Escape the Evil Killer
Original Crew: Ssundee, Crainer, Thea, Madeline + special people such as Neo, Nico, Ambrew, keehan…(did i miss one?)
They definitely all use ssundee as clickbait in there thumbnails
you just copped ssundee
Sigils and Biffle arguing like an old married couple when they lose😂
love when zud click bates ssundee
Where’s Ian:(
Fax I was just about to say ssundee did this
Zud is our hero no one can disagree
My man did not buy horcrux
I can tell that Zud and Nico were really sweating and Biffle was fresh and sigils was going crazy
Hit that like button to show Zud some love and become one of ZUD'S BUD'S 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
I remember Ssundee and Crainer making Tina and Madi struggle in the game
I just received a wave of memories.
I would have bough only distort traps and when sigils got close I would use one and then when it’s hairy to wear off use another until I’m out just to make sigils dizzy
please continue and try to get ssundee to play with you
I miss crainer and Andrew 😢
Edit:I think SSundee redo murder run but it's zud
Day 43 of asking Zud to ask Ssundee to make a Tewtiy mod for among us.
It feels gross to see this without Ssundee and Crainer
Also with the weird new money system
The old one was better 🙁
Who’s noobtwist????
If youre an og ssundee fan, you should know how broken medbot is
Nooo way thank you zud for uploading this type of video! It reminds me of old Ssundee videos but keep up the work with the videos fun as always and gl with your future videos!. <3
Bro This brings me memories
Bro we need to spams ssundees cats with
Bring Murder Run Back I miss it it is just so amazing especially when he do it
ngl trying to stretch out a single 4 min round form ssundee's old videos into 24 min makes it slower and makes the intentional mistakes obvious. just do fast paced 4 rounds like hide and seek. Also invite Ssundee to some of these or at lest watch all the old videos if you havent. For it to become toxic, yall need to learn the combos. I know that that model might work less on this channel because ssundee's leaned more into the horror aspect while your channel is probablhy the most kid focused of the gang. I believe that Ssundee has probably stated to yall that he wont post any more murder runs to not snub his old friend group, but this series would work by far the best on Sigils's channel due to higher average viewer age and more OG shared subscribers with Ssundee. You could swap ____ for lost infinity loot series over to this channel as a trade.
i remember when sundde and crainer use to do this with sndde's wife and crainer's grilfrend it was funny im glad it's back in some form
i hope murder run becomes a reular thing it was also so fun fun to binge
Finally murder runs back at least on one of the groups channel :')
This just doesn't feel right without SSundee and Crainer T^T
I can't believe that he hasn't found the lightning rod on the other side of the mountain that makes the witch farm of sigils on camp MINECRAFT
How do you feel Ian having 22 mill sub than you XD
Zud looks so innocent in the thumbnail-
Cheater stealing ssundees idea zud don't steal idea for ssundee and sigils make some of yours idea
Also you are not allowed to glow the murderer you have to put glow trap
Any way add ssundee again in these it's he's idea so add him in these video