Escape the Evil Killer in Minecraft… (Murder Run)

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Escape the Evil Killer in Minecraft… it gets crazy.

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minecraft mods gameplay Escape the Evil Killer


34 thoughts on “Escape the Evil Killer in Minecraft… (Murder Run)”

  1. I would have bough only distort traps and when sigils got close I would use one and then when it’s hairy to wear off use another until I’m out just to make sigils dizzy

  2. Nooo way thank you zud for uploading this type of video! It reminds me of old Ssundee videos but keep up the work with the videos fun as always and gl with your future videos!. <3

  3. ngl trying to stretch out a single 4 min round form ssundee's old videos into 24 min makes it slower and makes the intentional mistakes obvious. just do fast paced 4 rounds like hide and seek. Also invite Ssundee to some of these or at lest watch all the old videos if you havent. For it to become toxic, yall need to learn the combos. I know that that model might work less on this channel because ssundee's leaned more into the horror aspect while your channel is probablhy the most kid focused of the gang. I believe that Ssundee has probably stated to yall that he wont post any more murder runs to not snub his old friend group, but this series would work by far the best on Sigils's channel due to higher average viewer age and more OG shared subscribers with Ssundee. You could swap ____ for lost infinity loot series over to this channel as a trade.


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