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death.fell.accident.water is actually super easy
Reddit Post: https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/18jiw0y/a_easier_way_to_get_deathfellaccidentwater/
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Also I’m gonna copy and paste this description from a big youtuber because SHEEEEESH MY VIEWS WENT CRAZY for like literally 1 month or so but for some reason I still copy/paste this on every video although I’m sure by now it actually doesn’t do anything but oh well
This Minecraft but challenge makes the funniest Minecraft videos without any funny Minecraft mods! Somehow this is the NEW funniest Minecraft video / tiktok / short ever! Instead of any other Minecraft challenge in Minecraft 1.16.5, this is a Minecraft video in Minecraft 1.18 in 2023
But the rarest death message is
"Player left the contexts of this world"
But only found after leaving the world boarder
a friend some how did it to get slain by a ghast i mean how can a ghast punsh player
How about "Player was slain by Creeper"
"drowned while being chased by wither skeleton" I don't know if you can have drowning at the same way as burning up in lava but it's worth a shot…
I just got that message from falling normally once.
Since u have shown this video,
This is not rarest death message for everyone from now because of your one tricked video
It's not even rare anymore because everyone tried it and everyone got it
I call this a doohicky
The way it’s formatted makes me think this is something technically in the code but overlooked by devs
If it’s what I think it is, everything is a child of a previous method. Death is the parent, .fell indicates that’s a category of the death. Deaths that result from falling. .accident is a child of .fell so accidental fall (I assume a fall that happens without the player purposefully jumping down or perhaps a fall that is not the result of a player input). And then .water being a child of .fall.accident… that part confuses me. Especially since the example is showing that it doesn’t have to involve water, water just has to be nearby
Perhaps this is intended to be like failed to land in water after accidental fall? Maybe. I mean I just want to know what it’s actually detecting, and this is my best guess based on the name.
I got this while exploring a sunken ship accidentally
I actually got this message by accident.
I had this happen to me by an accident
Cap, my friend who has a shit pc managed to get "Player fell out of water", he was on a shipwreack and he was on a chest, he could not open it, he went to recharge his air and he got teleported on the chest and died
That isnt real
Its not hard to get. Its just not common because people most likely dont randomly walk in to that exact set up and do every exact thing needed to do by accident
Wait till he see
Player left the confines of this world while trying to escape ender dragon
I think the “get exploded by a potato while riding a chicken” was kinda hard
Isn't the hardest one with blaze and void?
The rarest death message is actually "(player name) got squashed by a falling block", only achievable when you modify a block via commands or mods that's not an anvil and make it fall on top of you
You can also drown under a boat and same thing
i got a really weird death message when i was making a mod that was literally just blank
Bro wants to be camman😂
i accidentally got this trying to do a clutch once
OBJECTION!! That's not rare it's really easy to replicate! Try my really rare and hard way to die first bring a shoulker to the over world and a gass to the over world and die to a gas fire ball while floating because of the shoulker (I think I miss spelled shoulker… I don't care)
How did someone find this??
If it became an actual death message, what would it be?
I think the rarest (because of its difficulty to achieve) is when you are hit into the void by a blaze
And me who got it naturaly
Next thing ur gonna know is EVERY SINGLE HARDCORE YTer is gonna be like "I got EVERY DEATH MESSAGE in HARDCORE MINECRAFT"
Wall of 🧽
How is it ‘rare’ if you can set it up successfully 100% of the time?
bruh i got this msg while randomly swimming
Yall say am cappin but ik how to get
Death.fell.accident.water.burnt.freezed.drowed whilst fighting Zombie
Toturial at 1 like
Might have late replies bc work
Bedrock edition be like: somone was slain by creeper
The hardest message is from a player name
You aredy try deafet the wither on bedrock is more hard than java