EASIEST "MOST RARE" Death Message in Minecraft

Minecraft Viki (video wiki) ➜ https://minecraft.viki.gg

#minecraft #mcyt #shorts

death.fell.accident.water is actually super easy

Reddit Post: https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/18jiw0y/a_easier_way_to_get_deathfellaccidentwater/

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Also I’m gonna copy and paste this description from a big youtuber because SHEEEEESH MY VIEWS WENT CRAZY for like literally 1 month or so but for some reason I still copy/paste this on every video although I’m sure by now it actually doesn’t do anything but oh well

This Minecraft but challenge makes the funniest Minecraft videos without any funny Minecraft mods! Somehow this is the NEW funniest Minecraft video / tiktok / short ever! Instead of any other Minecraft challenge in Minecraft 1.16.5, this is a Minecraft video in Minecraft 1.18 in 2023


37 thoughts on “EASIEST "MOST RARE" Death Message in Minecraft”

  1. The way it’s formatted makes me think this is something technically in the code but overlooked by devs

    If it’s what I think it is, everything is a child of a previous method. Death is the parent, .fell indicates that’s a category of the death. Deaths that result from falling. .accident is a child of .fell so accidental fall (I assume a fall that happens without the player purposefully jumping down or perhaps a fall that is not the result of a player input). And then .water being a child of .fall.accident… that part confuses me. Especially since the example is showing that it doesn’t have to involve water, water just has to be nearby

    Perhaps this is intended to be like failed to land in water after accidental fall? Maybe. I mean I just want to know what it’s actually detecting, and this is my best guess based on the name.

  2. Cap, my friend who has a shit pc managed to get "Player fell out of water", he was on a shipwreack and he was on a chest, he could not open it, he went to recharge his air and he got teleported on the chest and died

  3. OBJECTION!! That's not rare it's really easy to replicate! Try my really rare and hard way to die first bring a shoulker to the over world and a gass to the over world and die to a gas fire ball while floating because of the shoulker (I think I miss spelled shoulker… I don't care)


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