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finally a use for the luck potion effect
This is a Minecraft mod I coded for the upcoming Minecraft 1.21 update on Minecraft Forge and Minecraft Fabric #minecraft #cursedminecraft #minecraftmemes
If you like PhoenixSC, camman18, EightSidedSquare, and doctor4t you’d probably be okay with this
0/10 the leprechauns break my favorite color blue
I like silly mods, reminds me of old minecraft 😂
If you somehow found a way to make everything you’ve made actually work I’d pay money for this
well, you may have added lepurcauns to minecraft but have you added werewolfs
That channel is really making me chuckle. Keep up good work
This reminds me of a second grade English paper
2:08 no joke they should add that feature to rid glass if their strips.
Do I have to place a glass trapdoor to summon the trapdoor man?
I really hope all these cursed af mods aren’t real ☠️☠️☠️☠️
one day im gonna catch YOU.
are you real…
Bro stop ur gonna let the terrorists win!
Taxes in minecraft when?
I love these videos, kinda actually curious how they’re made though
Are they real mods, or some kinda edit/animations? Curious how they’re made if anyone knows
PLEASE get bro out of the kitchen and away from the stove man
You need to get ur brain x rayed, something is very wrong with the way you think 😨😭‼️‼️‼️
Now add leprasy
I love this video! Do you have a developmental disability?
I love that you style your thumbnail as if its a dantdm mod showcase, and its…. this
Bro got Steve eating leprechaun armpit 💀💀💀💀
I'm drunk asf and its 5 am but honestly good job
can you please make it so we can download the mods you make
Schizo posting
Add dude perfect in minecraft (will do stunts)
This guy is the only person that will use horrible stuff to make a awesome stuffs
How to bait Irish citizens into playing Minecraft:
I love it
after listening to HATE /// LOVE Remastered ULTRAKILL Fan Track then watching this hit me like an emotional freight train
Sadly I wasn’t first😔
Add the plague to Minecraft that spreads and you need to bloodlet the infected
Cant I just rub myself down with slime balls like zombie guts in the walking dead. Then I'll also be able to stick to objects, bounce, and rapidly extend then contract to fly.
i really appreciate the work fingees puts into making us question our mental health
Could you release more of your mods, like maybe set goals for each one?
I really want glass doors now that looked so nice
My boy fingees is finally getting the attention he deserves
It concerns me how much he keeps adding new meat to the game
one more!
I think I'm good… 😅
I'm not Eating them at All.
I want to download the mod
1:23 the hand ruined the cake without the hand it looks Delicius