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Hey friends! My name is ProShow and I release daily Minecraft shorts. If you enjoyed this video, click the link below to subscribe to my YouTube! And be sure to follow my TikTok and other socials while you’re here 🙂
#gaming #minecraft #minecraftshorts #noobvspro
He parkour so hard so he become cheater
এরকম youtube এর মধ্যে ফেক ভিডিও কমিয়ে দিয়েন আমরা কি বোকা না গাধা বুঝবো না কোনটা রিয়েল আর কোনটা ফেক
If noob is that I'm nothing 😂😂
I think this song has grown on me- it's so catchy
the song is like a trans person, switching.
I think the noob level and the pro level need to be switched
Bro has creates a new map version of stumble guye
Everyone acting like Ohio weird like have you even seen a headline that starts with Florida man smh
Ohio op bro 🤣🤣
Ohio solo's.
ill blow up into smithereens if I hear this song one more time💀💀💀
I am from ohio realy😂
Ohio memes are dead☠️
Bro, that meme is already more dead than the president of Haiti 💀
Nhìn cái vòng xây giống trong blay tu ge giờ quá 😊😅
I hate Minecraft shorts because I can't find these mods
다 편집인건가요 진짜인가요?
my dad telling me how he goes to school: 💀
Bro please I’ve heard this song more than you ever can imagine I literally know the lyrics from the top of my head please
don't show this to dream 🗿
bro summed up every single dead fucking meme
finally drim is worse than noob
Ohio is more difficult
This is the type of content kids watching nowadays?
First off any ohio meme isnt even funny other than ohio final boss
Second, didnt dream's career die when he posted his face reveal? Why the hell are people still putting his name in their titles? For clout? For clickbait?
Third, the song is overused especially for theese types of videos to the point its starting to get irritating
Fourth, this type of content is pretty much a copy paste with different "difficulties" in each video but it pretty much being the exact same mod the exact same effects and the exact same song
roblox: you cant stand my uber parkour instincts
Hi I'm Sumit Das
X:how do you play?
Ni si quiera podría hacer el noob
Ainda bem que ele não morreu em
60000000000000000009900000poj430000000😊 hf
Thanks a lot for ruining my entire life, whenever I’ll be sad il, think of this and consider suicide, this is the reason I’ll be wake at night because of nightmare, this is my nightmare, I didn’t know the human mind could give life to such a cruelty, this is pure evilness.
im so OHIO at minecraft parkour man
Ohio pulled up playing run 3💀
he is so good at this game minecraft
Oh god i think i have motion sickness now
DrEaM vS oHiO vS NoOb Vs PrO is so annoying
I play Roblox
Minecraft shorts have gone worse