I Survived 500 Days in CRAZY CRAFT in Minecraft Hardcore!

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I Survived 100 Days in CRAZY CRAFT in Minecraft Hardcore! (AGAIN x4!)

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#100Days #minecraft #survival
Current Subscriber Count: 1,392,523

0:00 Intro
01:05 Day 401
26:59 Day 410
51:35 Day 420
1:06:40 Day 430
1:27:52 Day 440
1:50:21 Day 450
2:16:50 Day 460
2:30:48 Day 470
2:56:44 Day 480
3:18:16 Day 490


29 thoughts on “I Survived 500 Days in CRAZY CRAFT in Minecraft Hardcore!”

  1. The way you do create is painful to watch. I would say you should do the 1000 day create series, but it'd be 999 days of you being confused and the last day you do going I still don't understand.

  2. Skye to finish the ent quest you have to carft the egg of the ent and not kill it. Btw you can also make a zinc farm using mystical agriculture as it has zinc seed and you can also auto everyind with machine(seed reprosser) from mystical agriculture like auto farming, planting, etc. You can also use special farm land and growth accelerator from mystical agriculture to make the seed grow faster also those accelerator has to be directly under the farm land, if it says 48 blocks radius it means vertically and not horizontal

  3. some of these ae2 and simple storage network and create montages are so cursed to watch when you know them that i would love you to watch a tech series from Gaming on caffeine or Hypnotizd or ChosenArchitect so that you would understand a lot more

  4. Something that would help with cleaning ur rooms up would be the exchanging gadget from building gadgets. It makes the process of mining the ores and odd blocks and replacing them with stone a whole lot easier.

    For a storage mod, I would recommend going into refined storage instead, simply because it's a lot easier to understand, and it's storage cells are EMCable.

  5. In the JEI you can press A over what u want to save for later. Saves it in the left side of menu. Press A on left side to remove when done. This might help you remember things you want to craft.

  6. Honestly, I'd get bored watching someone knowing what they are doing in create mod, but exploring create mod with you is fun. So I'd absolutely love a 1000 day create mod series.
    Also, , it may not always be possible for you, but if you make a cylindrical tube around where you want your spiral staircase, it would help a lot. Or you could make the central tube and make the staircase around the central cube.

  7. Okay tutorial for the refined storage mod ( yes, we were talking about the MOD and the system is called refined storage system…) get yourself: disk drive, Controller (from refined storage mod), a crafting grid (refined storage mod) then place the controller, next to it place the disk drive and on the other side of the controller place the crafting grid. You need to power the controller i like cyclic energy cables + solar flux reborn solar panels. Place the cables down, connect them to the controller and then place on top of the cables the solar panels (high enough level ofc but everything from solar flux reborn and refined storage is EMCable) then the system turns on. Than you need any kind of storage DISK (not storage blocks, they are basically the same but the blocks use up SOOO MUCH energy – they use energy for each item stored) and the storage disk goes into the storage drive. There is a infinite storage disk if you build yourself an emerald farm with mob griding utilities and vindicator spawners (mined with silk touch from "Illager galley" structure = boat on the ocean) then you can upgrade the spawners with a ton of items like clocks, ghast tears, sugar to make them spawn more, faster, work while you're gone (nether star) work while having light around it (soul lantern) if you have that you can sell the emeralds and easily get a ton of EMC from it. For wireless access get into infinite range card, dimension card and the "wireless transitter & wireless crafting grid (the one with 3200 RF storage is actually better) and for wireless charging yourself get into flux network. Youtube will be your best friend for that


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