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MINECRAFT NEWS UPDATES 📜 From Minecraft 1.19.2 to Minecraft Now August, over the past month or so a lot has happened! New Cape, New Steve, today we’re taking a look at everything that’s happened!
0:00 – history lesson
0:44 – minecraft preview update
2:17 – new steve and alex
3:39 – new cape
4:38 – Minecraft Java 1.19.2
5:21 – Crystal Caves Biome
7:41 – Minecraft Live & Leaks
9:16 – Minecraft Now August Server
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if you read this comment “JESSICA BESSICA”
That waifu wattles XD
I hope minecraft can make more snow biomes! I love the ice spikes one cuz it reminds me of frozen!
For the mob vote, what do you do if your stuck with pocket edition. And don't have have computer
I will not ignore that one.
I am just gonna appreciate you for being a man of culture.
Crystal cave 😱😨😧
"New Steve"
How dare you stand where he stood…
I was born in 2003 🤨
I think I speak for the entire Minecraft community when I say we need more Waifu Wattles content.
don't wish us back to 2020 D:
I haven't actually played with Vanilla Steve skin in the longest time, so the addition of the beard didn't stand out to me at all. I mean, he originally had the beard!! Now I googled images of Steve and the pictures of him without the beard look soooo weird! 😀
Hopefully they bring back the potatoes exp farm on Minecraft, really need it and being able to build on top of the nether like java would be awesome
Ngl waifu wattles kinda..
Why did you use the music from content cop
Ahem, "tuff"? That's smooth basalt, Sir Wattles. 😑 I'm not sure if it's possible to revoke a knighting, but I can find a way
What kind of monster doesn't watch all the way to the end?😞
This man has never heard of the position of prime minister has he?
These changes are probably bedrock exclusive, since only Bedrock has 3d pieces on skins.
If they put jade or something green and citrine or something yellow, the gems would match the frog lights 💜💚💛
Waifu Wattles 😭
Crystal Caves were the only things I was hoping for in 1.17+1.18 💀
Sweet.. Guess I'm getting a cape.
I Love your videos!! I even wait before playing new updates until you post a video. Always the hot spot for all minecraft news! Thank you so much!
I totally agree with you about the capes Wattles. It would also be cool if you could get not over the top but some average cape at a major point in the game (like defeating the ender Dragon or wither). Would really help out all of us noobs plus more capes!
That Waifu Wattles though 😳
Omfg I didn’t play mc for 2 years and it changed so much
Mumbo jumbo!
Sorry but does your minecraft skin have heterochromia or is the other eye blind?
Keep Crystal Caves as a biome for an End update.
i have to rebuy the game since i cant log into the email that i used to buy the account, i had no way to get that account back, so i had to use my old email to login with, when migration happen i cant do anything but buy the game yet again, ive played and had the game for many years, and im sick of not having a cape cuz of the troublesome…..
thank you jessica bessica
New Steve is cool, I just think his shoes are a bit too detailed, and his and Alex's sleeves popping feels very strange.
Remember the accidental ice cave biome?
5:46 creeper interrupt you :/
They broke Alex's skin
The mob vote idea or minecraft live is game changing. The future is now if so
Congratulations! You payed twice as much as other people, have a kind of trash cape!
I like the idea of other types of geodes, like maybe an agate geode type, even better with a couple color variations. Or a citrine variant of the amethyst geode
I think we should unlock capes trew achievements. The free the end again achievement can give you a dragon cape and it will make your elytra look like dragon wings.
Also the crystal caves shoul only have diamond and emerald ore. It can also include stained glass for cool lookin' crystals.
The lockdownerism is past. You don't need to virtue signal anymore by having your Minecraft skin wear a mask.
What's up with this video and 12? Its 12mins 12sec long, there are 12 words in the title, the last one of this type was 12 years ago and a lot of other stuff happened 12 years ago lol.
Honestly Jappa is kind of a tool. Sometimes as a texture creator you have to make things you DON'T 100% agree with. I've made plenty of pokemon hacks in my time with custom forms, and some of them, I'm not crazy about, Hell some I don't even like, but I did it anyway.
Ironically I bought minecraft for the 360, and for the switch, and for windows, and the Java version
as a person who qualifies for the vanilla cape, i cant wait to see it in-game
Dang… that crystal cave concept was awesome. Would be nice to see something like that in the future.
I just want the game to work..