Traps for Granny with players in minecraft By Scooby Craft March 18, 2021 by Scooby Craft Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Minecraft Viki (video wiki) ➜ 👋🏻 Hello. Write a comment if you live in USA Minecraft Noob scp 173 & granny traps in minecraft fnaf minecraft 👍🏻subscribe please. Road to 1.700.000 Subscribers 💖 source
Okay this is idiotic but its Okay that he is not screaming over and over like the OTHER kid-minecraft channels do Reply
This is like, a video that yelling us traps we can do to our friends but he Just slammed granny face on it so all the 9 years olds will WaTcH it, I am not a hater , or not a fan, I am Just saying this is a great idea to bRiNg all the little kid wiewers to the video Reply
The ludicrous ethiopia spatially handle because era intraorally label among a resolute sudan. fortunate, giant fender Reply
0:00 creeper friend of Granny1:09 portal2:27 basement with lava3:29 falling creepers4:57 bridge6:09 chicken coop7:15 bait7:57 enderman defense8:35 smart zombies9:48 lucky and unlucky10:24 cursed chests11:06 unlucky burglars12:09 forset monster13:17 failed witch hunters14:38 dont litter Reply
What name texture of grass
What name texture your sky
Your a good trapper
Wow! Nice
I think momo evolve into granny
Aku mau tanya ini game apa
1:45 the granny is not dead
13:25 WTF
Breh its about a spawn egg
You are Being stupid.he adit the video lol
Imagine getting a heart from Scooby Craft
Top 1 Funs your Content from Philippines
Granny 😯😞😒👺😈😈😈
الله عليك كمل
4:56 Love music
LoL 🏠 🏚 om
Soo nice 👌
Okay this is idiotic but
its Okay that he is not screaming over and over like the OTHER kid-minecraft channels do
This is like, a video that yelling us traps we can do to our friends but he Just slammed granny face on it so all the 9 years olds will WaTcH it,
I am not a hater , or not a fan, I am Just saying this is a great idea to bRiNg all the little kid wiewers to the video
Meyamo fabian
,,,, Yues Like … yuol
bad vid
Momo çek
Bigg pro
The ludicrous ethiopia spatially handle because era intraorally label among a resolute sudan. fortunate, giant fender
!i love granny house is so much peaceful
fuck no
0:00 creeper friend of Granny
1:09 portal
2:27 basement with lava
3:29 falling creepers
4:57 bridge
6:09 chicken coop
7:15 bait
7:57 enderman defense
8:35 smart zombies
9:48 lucky and unlucky
10:24 cursed chests
11:06 unlucky burglars
12:09 forset monster
13:17 failed witch hunters
14:38 dont litter
Creo que no va a resultar 😰😰😰
Granny is kind of dumb