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🎵 Music licensed from Lickd. The biggest mainstream and stock music platform for content creators
Way down We Go by KALEO, https://t.lickd.co/KE3Z2q5Rn3x License ID: WpQpMpMojOZ
Try Lickd FREE for 14 days for unlimited stock music and get 50% off your first mainstream track: https://app.lickd.co/r/857f454e758d4cb5a77fbe956777854a
Survival season 7 is out now on play.loverfella.com! Make sure you join the server this weekend to have fun, be in events like this one, and more. Thanks for watching ❤
Pls make avatar frontiers gameplay vid with issac
I wonder if zack responds to comments also great video
Anyone else see Isaac start flying in the end when he was putting the purpur blocks on the iron bars
Sorry I'm late man, video's amazing. 😊
Bro in the end you where in survival and at the 37th minit we see isaac flying to place his purple slaps even outside the border
Can you play minecraft with me one day
That was a amazing video with the song at the end really put it all together loved it
Nice concept
49:45 the music
This video is so random, and I love absolutely EVERY PART OF IT !!
So Isaac builds his base in the end in creative mode even though Zack states it’s survival mode…
Right isacc no yellow fences right. Ever heard of this thing called bamboo fences the are yellow plus your server is 1.20 so you can use them.
but I have to agree yellow glass panes look beter
How do I join ur minecraft sercer
He is flying😂😂😂
Loverfella's build is Abit boring
1:55 good music choice
2:38 that's tinted, not black
you can tell by looking in the corners
I like when you do other games like ark
37:06 isaac is flying and out of the border bro wtf
1:43 music amazing and all of the music
Anyone remember the build flip where isaac did the mansion and loverfella did the sci-fi build?
Nice vid
The music is a great touch
I just finished it and it was good
Loverfella my name is CAPTAINBISCO and i need your help. because of this new season iv'e lost all my money and it says i dont own a house. can you please help me? my base was in zone 1
how do you join
I like the music in te background
use galvanized square steel and eco friendly wood veniers
Love these moviews
I love watching your videos every week it’s so fun your amazing lover fella and you know it 😊❤
Hey loverfella what’s your discord we need to talk asap
37:06 I thought it was survival on the island
37:05 isaacs flying
14:56 I realized isaac's build
Looked similar to a (slurpy
Bro how do you make another video without saving Ben
Sorry I clicked random things sorry.
23:18 issac: and the warden suck my bu-
Im not a channel member but what happened to Isaac?
Anyone else notice Issac using creative at 37:01
Love.the music
46:45 he’s cheating with creeper eggs in his inventory 😅
Isaac’s colors for his build were giving aliens from toy story😂😂😂😂😂
I your brother ok saw he was hit by a car