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The mods:
From Another World: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/from-another-world
The Flesh That Hates: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/the-flesh-that-hates
Spore: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/fungal-infection-spore
Sculk horde: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/sculk-horde
Pollution of the realm: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/pollution-of-the-realms
Can Infection mods cause Climate Change in Minecraft?
#minecraft #flesh #faw #infection #scapeandrunparasites #thefleshthathates #thething #sculk #spore #pollution #climatechange
I think the reason that the sculk didn't die to the wither effect… Well, it's most likely that the sculk specifically is immune to the wither effect.
The flesh just defied the law of physics and coverted the gas into floating flesh block💀💀💀💀💀💀
Cool video 🙂
why not sluck hourd , flesh that hates, fungal infection spore, the thing from another world to fight
I was so hoping he would light it at the end 8/10 vid no big boom boom
I'd be interested to see the infection mods on the same world but on default. Not as enemies unless they natturally are. Cpuld be cool to see the hellscape it creates.
what the fuck is climate change
This is a really cool concept for an actual mod… Like infected mobs actively making pollution wherever it goes, and you can craft an item that purifies the pollution similar to the one used in the skulk infection, really cool
Love the only thing they fear is you in the background
I would like to see how this affects the Dawn of the flood mod, probably a bunch of carbon dioxide because of the kills, but i wonder what eould happen with the infection forms
Well thats random
Fight or die: mutation MOD
Could someone tell me what song was used in the thing portion of the video?
I got a idea, how about make entire world facing a all out war with every infection mod you use for your videos with the pollution mod to create tons of pollution then summon the wither storm and make it into it's final stage to clean the world and see how effective it is and if the wither storm can kill all the infection mobs and eat the infected blocks and pollution blocks as I find it one chaotic thus fun, two interesting and three a challenge for the wither storm to purge of the world of pollution and infection
Edit: Also another video a idea a battle of titans Godzilla vs Wither Storm and them vs infection mods
3:34 What mode is applied to the wild structures seen at 34?
Why don't you just initiate every infection in the same place? (In different backups).
That way we can actually compare the results rather than interpret then.
If the sculk start to be endangered because of the pollution of the spore I am going to do an fungi-cide (don't worry sculk-y you will be safe)
Edit: the sculk seen me ! I will give entire stocks of foods to the sculk
The moral: maybe humans are the real infection after all,
either that or keep digging towards the diamonds idk
Try escape and run parasites
what about you test the prion infection
? Infected wither?
Imaging a mod pack where there would be several dynamic fractions (to not overcomplicate imagine Mount & Blade II but in 1984 political setting) fighting against each other and infection mods. Like, the No Man’s Land starts to shiver and then the horizon is in tanks (which are working on Eureka and Clockwork basis), instead of storming the trenches they start to remove abominations, even the enemy artillery is helping. After the land is cleansed everything goes back to eternal warfare
I have a possible idea for a series, if you are interested. Maybe, you can do some sort of arena setup between infection mobs, so, for example, sculk mite fights a dogbeast, and when the sculk mite loses, a sculk zombie is added to the team? We've seen you pit the mods by their raw infection power, so I think it would be interesting to see them fight against each other in the old-fashioned way.
SCP-610, "The Flesh That Hates," is already a very busted anomaly, kupo. I have no doubt that if pollution worked like in this mod then the universe with 610 in it would be hella f—–, kupo.
i came when it was ten hours ago
I spy the wither storm spawn house
2:23 it saying "NO" is crazy asf lol
In this case, the Wither Storm is purity through annihilation. There can’t be any impurities if there isn’t anything to be impure.
I was not expecting this
The wither Strom was making mire food for it self
👾 guh says' 945 like '
Nice….Climate change
Good to know……Evil demonic flesh cures global warming….
Pollution affecting infection mods might be the thing that balances them if polished well enough.
I have a theory what happen you combine every infection mode in Minecraft at different points
10:06 Why do I hear DOOM Music?
do you know why my game is crashing when i load 1.19.2 pollution of the realm
1:20 "That's a firefly" made me laugh.
evolve total organ failure