Honestly, I am like villager number five when it came to that tiny buzz. I hate bees, hornets, wasp, literally any flying creature that comes a little too close.
Breaking news: As Villager News Network was giving a report, a villager dressed in a bee costume was accused of having a huge collection of bees. As he was receiving accusations, he had set free an overly abnormal amount of bees, causing a nightmare to break loose in the village.
This could be a cool trailer if Mojang release a beekeeper villager.
It's him
Bloody bees
still alive
PS. im still alive
PSS. im still alive
Ohhh the beees
What does it feel like a real conversation
i cant beelive that there was no bee puns
We NEED!!! Villager News to do a comeback
Honestly, I am like villager number five when it came to that tiny buzz. I hate bees, hornets, wasp, literally any flying creature that comes a little too close.
We need this live 24/7
It’s back
Hoping for a Christmas with the villagers 3, seeing how much minecraft has evolved and childhood restored 🙏
Pov: You are the wall of flesh
I love how villager #4 just has a bee keeper suit, and probably didn’t give anymore to the studio
Wait villager number 5 your nose isnt covered
Ah yes, my childhood!
"Woke up in a room.. Full of bees"
The delivery of that line alone works as a meme xD
That's unBEEievable
Breaking news: As Villager News Network was giving a report, a villager dressed in a bee costume was accused of having a huge collection of bees. As he was receiving accusations, he had set free an overly abnormal amount of bees, causing a nightmare to break loose in the village.
This looks like a job for DR. BEES
Beans 8
Not the bees unholy screaming
I love your channel, I have watched you when I was a kid and the videos are still amazing!
I love the consistency here. Villager #5 is now the reporter at the desk instead of Villager #4, like the War episode.
the bee man be like "THATS SEXIST"