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Busting Minecraft Myths That Are 100% Real
👕 MY MERCH! – https://bionicware.net
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My Editor: @Saf
IP – bionic.games
whats your skyblock IP?
the real title :today we are takeing minecraft myths and moding them into game
Hi bionic
I watch you vids
Where is the furry suit
The axolotl one is cap i tried It
I dare you to play mine craft Xbox 360 edition onvideo
U should make minecraft but twerking gives op items pls
We are myth busters
None of these things are real except for the warden vs Iron golem
Bone pls put the link of the song of when ur recording
You lost to Preston bedwars challenge
there's no axolotl tools
Bionic you are so amazing I love your vids
b o n c
اللهم صل وسلم وبارك على سيدنا محمد وعلى اله وصحبه اجمعين يارب
Can you do a 100 days moded
How do i get the warden and the last one dint work
How did he get a blue one it's so rare it's 00000000000.38 or lower you have to breed 1,200 axolotl to just get a blie axolotl
Was the ingolatol real?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=47E9PHRZdHA&ab_channel=GamersReact 3:31 (Very Funny)
Omg!!!! You got the legendary one your a true legend bioc!
The axolotil is useless
He has installed mod
Bionic i want to see your house make a short and send it please
1% of blue axolotl
I’ve been subbed before you shaved
See the second myth it's says are axalotisles useless it says ✅
Blue axolotl is rare
3:13 why dose Bionic say myth busted???
9:58 bruhh what are the chances!?!?
I haven’t watched since baldonic
the axolotl thing ain't real cause he may be using a mod
Forget about the rear Blue axolotls the glow axolotls are like a night light that you can take on the go
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Is that mod
How to add you at.. Friend
8:39 it works with any kind of stairs
nice "mod"
Kids: opens minecraft and tries the myths
Also Kids: I am utterly disappointed