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Cody finds a way to breed DRAGONS with a rare minecraft recipe. Will this create new dragons or will it cause the dragons to hate eachother and battle to the death!?
● Watch Dragons Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMB8MGbYATTi5j59zThrTWhkNOlNKmxf9
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BREEDING NEW DRAGONS! (Minecraft Dragons)
I think the name should be green venom or Gaia
maybe they might save bubbles next episode
You should do a season 2 of scp
dragon idea its a crystal dragon that can shoot crystal shards which if a player is hit by will be affected by a effect called crystalling or something like that which slows you down or damages you
edit: also keep up the great work hope you surpass 7 million subs
We love your videos
I'm 13 and still love this videos
How can a shield block a ballista 🧐
call the dragon forest fire cause it is green and it look liek a forest dragon and its fire
You could name cannibals dragon Hardcore, or bruiser because he said it would be a physical not magical dragon
i think cannibals dragon should be Called Forest because she is green and a fire dragon because forest fires exsist
Oh my gosh krakens new dragon is spike like from the first series spike the dino saur that every one thought was a wingless dragon witch was killed be kraken's apprentice
Bro I'm ntg lie but Cody should be a 100 million minecraft youtuber
You should call the other fire dragon and it’s baby Sparky and hook spark
I think canibls dragons name shoulh be Emerald
Can you guys try to do a collab with little lizard and tiny turtle
the editing has vastly improved in this video
Foster flame
Can you please do a map wars please
Dragon idea a lightning dragon but it's name is rayo and it can forge lightning dragon armor and weapons
LETS GOOOOO! The seris contiinues!
love the vids never stop
Cannibal dragon is a dude also name the dragon firestorm
I would love see more videos if posable
I have a name it is soul crusher
Name her Blomborasa
Crabs dragon should have the name gaia
Cuz its green and all
Name the dragon Everglades