Bidenator and friends play Minecraft – EPISODE 3 (ft. Heisenberg)

Minecraft Viki (video wiki) ➜

What’s up youtube fam, it’s me, the Bidenator, back again with the third episode of my minecraft Let’s Play. I hope you all enjoy! Shout out to my friends Donnie, Obamba, Ben Sharpio, Elongated Musket and Dr Jordan Peterson and our special guest: Mr Bryan Cranston from the award winning show Breaking Bad!

tags: Minecraft, AI, AI Voice, tiktok, compilation, gaming, presidents, president, deepfake, deep fake, Donald Trump, Barack Obama, Joe Biden plays minecraft, ai voice meme, video games, videogames, elevenlabs, voice changer tech, parody, obama trump biden play minecraft, javelinproductions, Minecraft with Biden Trump Obama, dagoth ur ai voice, joe biden ai voice, trump ai voice,, ai generated voice, elon musk voice ai, donald trump plays minecraft, joe biden plays, obama plays minecraft, joe rogan plays minecraft ai, ben shapiro plays minecraft, ai voices minecraft, jordan peterson plays minecraft, the crew

The following content is purely satire and not supposed to be taken seriously


38 thoughts on “Bidenator and friends play Minecraft – EPISODE 3 (ft. Heisenberg)”

  1. I would give anything to actually have politicians play minecraft together, bet you if the US senate had to play a MC world together there would be alot more bipartisan due to backdoor minecraft deals lmfao

  2. You should remove the long pauses in between sentences, it doesn’t feel like these are actual people talking to each other. Like don’t make them too fast but try to reenact how an actual dialogue between 2 people would go

  3. It’s funny cus you can tell that there’s much less content of Elon speaking because they all sound the way he did on rogans podcast the ai took that data and used it whereas trump sounds more flowy because he has hundreds of hours out there


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