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BEST Hardcore Minecraft Series You Should be Watching! (Best Hardcore Worlds)
Channels –
AverageSnow – https://www.youtube.com/@AverageSnow
BRICK – https://www.youtube.com/@oBRlCKo
Atemial –https://www.youtube.com/@Atemial
Thete – https://www.youtube.com/@Thete
SwitchBackMongo –https://www.youtube.com/@SwitchBackMongo
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🎥INCREDIBLE Ocean Monument MEGA BASES! (Ocean Monument Transformations) – https://youtu.be/oCtzGFXE_eg
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Almost Average: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo8omhRsyeMph3qyQDe06tA
Nerpah: https://www.youtube.com/Nerpah
Extra Tags: minecraft,minecraft survival,minecraft 1.18,minecraft 1.19,minecraft 1.20,hardcore minecraft,hardcore mega base,100 days,1000 days,thete,switchbackmongo,4000 days,9000 days,best hardcore worlds,best minecraft builds,best minecraft bases,minecraft hardcore,longest hardcore worlds,void station,ocean monument,end island,end dimension base,ocean monument base,end base,huge builds,biggest minecraft builds
Can you do SB737 please? He has a really cool hardcore series
Feature bluenerd he is the best
is it just me or do the links not work
Brick's channels link isn't working
you should make a video about the best smps to watch, like hermitcraft, empires, scicraft, lifesteal and there are many others
Awesome video, thanks for featuring me!
By the way, my username is pronounced aaaaah-temial
Thank you so much for mentioning! I really appreciate it! Keep it up! The videos are very good especially very compact and easy to watch!😊❤️
These worlds are AWESOME!
channel links dont work
When will you feature my hardcore series??
Thanks for featuring me! But just as a fyi, the channel links don't work.
I found a really good hardcore Player called galaxy Luke, ho check hin out
Very underrated youtuber, keep it up!
Please give me this world download link
I think you should've featured fwhip, his hardcore projects are insane, good list
Hope this isn’t too spammy but pls could you show my world (its survival not hardcore tho)
Can you show fwhip and SB737 they both have really cool hardcore worlds
WOW! Mouth drop