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PRE RELEASE SEASON ✨ today the very first minecraft 1.19 wild update pre release dropped. Pre Release 1 brings swamp changes, new vibration mechanics, an ancient bug fix, and a lot more! In this video we check out everything new in pre release 1 for minecraft 1.19.
0:00 – pre release time
0:39 – mangrove tree change
2:00 – mob spawning changes
2:42 – vibration changes
4:31 – equipment sounds
4:49 – technical changes
5:23 – bug fixes
5:55 – release date predictions
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if you read this comment “warden so soon”
With Caves and Cliffs all done, I just hope they focus on patching in the "missing links" (fireflies, birch forests, bundles, fletching tables) before focusing on another crazy big update.
I'm excited for all the aesthetic potential to be had with mud, I just hope they stop focusing so much on realism. Just focus on portraying the creatures in a good light.
Y'know, unlike what they did with spiders, which are both passive AND beneficial IRL. And yet dolphins are portrayed as saints.
I am one of the few lighting up the nether as much as possible huh? xD
caves and cliff update part 3
Wild Update
More like "Mild" Update, Gottem
Mangrove to Swamp: "I'm you, but better"
Y did they make the trees more spread out
Mangrove forests are supposed to be the most clustered thing ever which go beside rivers and oceans, mojang really just changed the one thing that made mangrove unique
I hate to ask, but the world I’m playing on, how will get the new update on it when comes out? Will I have to make a new world? I’m on bedrock ps5 edition
I can't wait to look for these new blocks. It's gonna be fun. Random thing, though, at 7:42, what is that puzzle piece looking block under that piece of the ancient city? Does that just appear when you spawn the structure in, or could I find that block if I find an naturally spawned ancient city and dig in that spot?
It is a shame about the fireflies. They should have made the texture a black + grey and just called them "flies".
Not as excited for this update as I would like to be, feels like it’s lacking something.
I don't understand how this much time can go into Minecraft updates, and have so little content. If it were any other game, people would think it's absurd, but Minecraft gets a crazy pass for having nothingburger updates. Most content patches, in most games, would contain more content in that one patch, than Minecraft has in the entire game, to date. A patch should have new bosses, new mobs, new structures to be found in the world, there should be actual chairs and tables and other placeables that aren't just stairs and fenceposts and pressure plates being used creatively. Give us a damn table and chair. How do they get away with this game still having zero content after a decade of development?
Wait so pre releases are better then releases? I mean kinda weird but to each his own 🤣jk but that made me laugh because I can think of plenty of things better then snapshots and pre releases a second thing that is better then snapshots would be Mojang never showing concept art at MC Live, 3rd thing would be them moving away from using Twitter as a platform to keep in contact with the community and keep us better informed on how the update is coming and when they decide to put off or scrap an idea altogether letting us know why plans changed and what's gotten in the way of them doing everything they originally had planned. Finally one more thing that would be better then all of those combined would be the community not acting the way they have when sure this update had a few let downs but this is going to be one of the best updates we've ever had and the deep dark biome and city will forever change caving and give us way more content when it comes to YT series, it will impact mods and map packs, then you add all the new blocks and the new biome, mud and all of the new features and I feel we the community really let them down and I would love for this to never happen again which means we need to shame people for acting the way they have and all be a little more appreciative then we have been myself included. I don't think people understand just how difficult these things are to code and get right. The deep dark city is a massive feat and they've had alot of snags and changes with it and it's absolutely incredible they've gotten it as amazing as they have which is why it's taken so long. I love what they've done with it and shame in those who have treated Mojang like crap you can go play Fortnite and ruin it with your whining but don't distroy MC because you've got a stick up your rear end. Yelling at the devs and treating them like crap will only make them not give you more next update because you'll burn them out and make them grow to not even want to make MC the best game ever and they might end up stop updating it because they feel we don't deserve the hard work it takes to give us these giant updates.
why don't they discuss about the wild update part 2 for me this update is missing something
i feel like there will be that one momemt where someone will get so pissed that they will blow up the deep dark just to get rid of it.
What happened to the aincient city portal structure?
I'm just doing to say it, I don't care about random items we'll never use, just let fight my eldritch abomination
Everyone: Mojang su-
Mojang: prereleases 1.19
Everyone: nvm
Please make an iron farm in 1.19
We’re so close, so excited!
they scammed us they said there will be unique loot in the deep dark sure notch apples are great but not unique
I felt like People are underestimating the Size of this update, I'm not saying I'm not dissapointed that Birch Forest and Fireflies is delayed, which I am.
But People acting like that's the end of the World, We literally got the Deep Dark, Ancient Cities, which is the largest Structure ever, Swift Sneak, Recovery Compass, New Music Disc, Mangrove Swamp, Frogs, Allay, etc.
Does it lift up to it's name?
The scary Wild side, Yes!
The Beautiful Wild Side, probably not.
But that doesn't mean this update is Small, not as Big as Caves and Cliffs, but Bigger than something like the Buzzy Bees Update.
Honestly kinda bump about Fireflies, which is gonna add so much to the Immersion, but that doesn't mean I'm not excited for this Update and the next One, especially the Deep Dark
Mojang sucks at making actually cool stuff.
So how many pre releases are there before actual release?
What do you think about 1.20 update 🤔
Is the Deep Dark rare to find? I basically just like to mine for resources and build. I really don't care about the Warden (it's a useless mob to me). So if I go strip mining, will I have to worry about running into this a lot? I'd stick with 1.18 but I want the Mangrove trees and frogs lol.
I'm using you for research purposese to get as much 1.19 information
The mangrove swamp needs a block like powdered snow. Some sort of quick sand!!
wait so do goat horns create vibrations for the sculk sensors?
I bet they'll drop it on the 24th, let's see if I'm right
sorry im brazilian desculpe sou brasileiro
Can we all agree that when He uploads our days get better! 💖