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Beating Minecraft but CURSED Lucky Blocks are everywhere…
Thank you all for clicking on this video giving it the time of day and hope you enjoyed! Lets get 50 likes?
Support my twitch 🙂 – https://www.twitch.tv/agromc
Hallo 🙂
Only lucky block challenge I'll watch
I'm kinda late but does it matter? lmao
poggers my buddy agro is backk
new channel pog
Nice to know your still having fun making content
50th like 😮
hello ratgro
I remember this stream based
No joke this is like popular mmos this vid was amazing keep up the great work
yo agro remember XenyxPvP? its the guy you raided in skyblock. hes one of my friends now. i just want to thank you again for raiding him 😀
im so glad you didn't quit youtube altogether xd
I always miss streams so pog schedule now
Love your new content hope you come back to an one day we will welcome you with open arms
New channel, New chances
Agro want to play lucky block 1v1
50 likes on the video or the dog gets it 😂😂
Was that furrybrine? Truly cursed.
thea is better than hypixel
i love this vids 🙂
agro good
0 DISLIKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 dislikes keep it that way this man is so wholesome. Love ya Agro!
Love the Video happy That you didnt quit YouTube
Why dont you just upload on ur main channel? Now you only have 1.7k subs
Nice videos man I quit watching you since you didn't upload much but I came back for your funny and great personality 🙂
I'm here from the main channel, keep it up!
POG u got 162 likes and 0 dislikes im glad your new channel is doing good!
good video
This is actually good contente
that 1 dislike is banana lol
keep up the good content hopefully you hit 1m sub by next year <3
Love this new style of content keep it up agro!
Agro is POG
Good vid
YOO you didnt quit everything <3 i loved this vid <3
glad you didn't quit youtube altogether ur epic 🙂
hey agro its miniwolfl From the other day 🙂
The music in the back round brings back memories