Ask Mojang: What happened to the fireflies in Minecraft 1.19?

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Have you been wondering what the allay is based off, if goat horns and bundles are included in The Wild Update, or if we use Blockbench to build our models? You’re in luck, because we’ve got answers aplenty! We also have a special message regarding questions about fireflies and birch forests being added to Minecraft, so tune in and keep sending us your questions!


43 thoughts on “Ask Mojang: What happened to the fireflies in Minecraft 1.19?”

  1. if mod devs can do it with 1 dev, then a team of 20 devs should be able to do it 10 times faster, mod devs do it super well made on their own, that reason you gave is not valid

  2. I would not consider this new update even a wild update, it just caves and cliffs part 3, plus swamps. I don't care if frogs can't eat fireflies, when has this game ever been true realism. we are talking about a game with zombies, a dragon and floating islands, super real.

  3. Walking large blind monster that keeps dead mob's souls is NOT dangerous.

    Walking in mud is dangerous.

    You can be cutten by mangrove leaves.

    Frogs are dangerous.


  4. Uh, i may be wrong, but ain't some frogs/toads that live in swamp can eat fireflies without any harm? There just could be a feature tha only seamp frogs eat fireflies…

  5. about the fireflies and birch forest… this is a dumb AF response, sure fireflies are poisonous to frogs then reuse them in the birch forest to make better ambiance
    make them a new light source like a firefly in a bottle or a yellow lamp (which will be brighter then a normal lamp but harder to craft)

    add new stuff to the birch forest like new tree generation for birch and better colored grass for birch, make bees much more common in birch forests (a reasonable use)

  6. I personally want to see a biome update that just adds a small biome like a desert oasis which can be no larger than 4 chunks allso i know the community wanted palm trees for a while so put those in there too. also birch forest update has alot of possibilitys too. this is just my 2 cents about this plz don't take this too seriously

  7. "the concept art is not a commitment" well yes, it's not, but You didn't just show the concept art at minecraft live…. You 100% did make a commitment of making biomes more immersive and have unique feelings to them and then showed the concept art as an example of that(if you don't belive re watch minecraft live 2021,the scene im talking about starts at 1:56:05, right after Brandon leaves) … I get that you could have trouble with implementing it or whatever, but maybe not gaslight us by telling us that we were the ones wrong next time? Thank you for reading

  8. They should remove even golden apples and carrots because gold is toxic if consumed regularly. The symptoms of gold poisoning are no different than other forms of metal poisoning.
    Lol what a dumb explanation Mojang its just a game.

  9. caves and cliffs part 3, am i right.
    no, but for real. why would you in an update called the wild update choose to not add the birch update or fireflies and add stuff that was suppose to be in the last update (caves and cliffs and still call it the wild update? i guess what i really wanna know is, why you keep the name.

  10. at this point, you can remove slimes and magma cubes because I sure wonder if kids will also feed their frog's homemade slime and molten rocks. Also how about remove everything else from floating blocks and and all the dimensions and remove ur blocky texture and make them all realistic

  11. Mojanj ah ideas que no denegaron que irian bien pero las luciernagas toda la comunidad nos conformamos con simples particulas y el bosque de abedul fue una cosa mejor que el manglar por que es imposible sobrevivir hay


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