46 thoughts on “AMONG US vs MINECRAFT 2 RTX CHALLENGE! (Cartoon Minecraft Animation) Imposters & Crewmates”
Hey everyone! Hope you're good! This is going to be great! Don't spoil it! HIT LIKE FOR MORE! Subscribe with notifications on thanks so much for watching I love you guys! <3 PART 1! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=INoFESeCLsE
Hey everyone! Hope you're good! This is going to be great! Don't spoil it! HIT LIKE FOR MORE! Subscribe with notifications on thanks so much for watching I love you guys! <3
PART 1! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=INoFESeCLsE
I saw in 1 red vented
6 day
6 day ago
This whole time, I’ve always known that it was red this whole time!😂😂
It was red the hole time
Blue: especasilly you barney
Why is the among us character has butts
Can you do part 2 of angry birds? It's been a long time for it. Are you doing it someday or something?
You can tell it's red because he says what's the meeting for than a little later he says that he called the meeting
our next crewmate should be sonic
take ship to polusus
Can you bring back tails
Is blue sonic or what? Way Past Cool😎
Red was impaster you trust him but he lied to you and you gust burn him down and he died.
red and green is the lmposters
I want next map!!! MIRAHQ!!!!!!!!
Fun fact there could've been a chance that red put blood on oranges hands
Also red was mad sus to begin with, he was excusing himself, he pretended to be nice, and he lied about the meeting he called. Its very easy red
Dark blue sound like Baldi
Light blue sound like Sonic
Brown sound like Minecraft Steve
Make Sonic and Baldi piggie book 2
Hey Futuristic can you do saiko no sutoka next if you have time
Gave you time and you still dont know how to make a walk animation lol
in mira hq 3 part please
Baldy and sonic should be the next crew mates
I realise The orange hand
Can sonic be in among us pls for crewmate
Baldy and Sonic the next video
i dont trust red
It went from happy to a battle lol
hey can you please make more of this I love this
Oh now I know what sus mean it mean,s suspicious. Right now I'm not good at spelling.😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😞😢
Why is blue saying purple is Barney.
Next crewmate Sonic or Baldi
Stave you be imposter next game
When orange was ejected who heated him change from American to australian for a second
Baldi should be the next crewmate