31 thoughts on “ALL 120 Features In Minecraft 1.20 Trails & Tales!”
Mine crafts new updates arent any fun its just all filler no new real gameplay like okay I can make a pot now and find all the same items as before, who cares? And dont even get me started on mob vote bc I swear it must be influenced by trolls because every year the most useless not game changing mob gets chosen
First off… the humor you sprinkle in like seasonings were 🤌🤌🤌 clever
Second off… I'm so dang excited about this update… I'm already playing around with the features but for reason, I couldn't actually crouch and go under a half slab. 😢
I'm broken. It's fine.
But honestly my favorite thing about this update right now are the cherry trees part of it… particularly the pink petals! CUSTOM PATHS!!!
Mine crafts new updates arent any fun its just all filler no new real gameplay like okay I can make a pot now and find all the same items as before, who cares? And dont even get me started on mob vote bc I swear it must be influenced by trolls because every year the most useless not game changing mob gets chosen
death screen is stupid. Feels like a roblox game.
Petals are a decent passive source for bone meal as well.
i just wish they would add sweeping edge effect and enchantment to bedrock already
dang creative builder erasure
yes tf i will be using them petals and their very specific placements 😂😂
9:37 killed me idk why
This guy: “These are the new bedrock features…”
Java players: “what about the Java features”
This guy: “oh yeah, here they are… Anyways… the new bedrock features include…”
This update is kinda suck tbh.
Still waiting for diff dogs.
I love this guy, hes so good at hyping it up and hes funny at the same time
Why do all these updates take years to make to only have such lackluster content
Techno is always will be my favorite youtuber no matter what 😢
First off… the humor you sprinkle in like seasonings were 🤌🤌🤌 clever
Second off… I'm so dang excited about this update… I'm already playing around with the features but for reason, I couldn't actually crouch and go under a half slab. 😢
I'm broken. It's fine.
But honestly my favorite thing about this update right now are the cherry trees part of it… particularly the pink petals! CUSTOM PATHS!!!
Trimmed armor is the coolest thing wth
He forgot to say that you can write on both sides of a sign.
The camel can carry two people at the same time.
They should add a vanity slot if they have added armour trims. So you can have netherite armour but i cool looking vanity set
Sherds or shards?
this is what it looks like when someone puts a lot of work into their videos
This update is brings some really cool features
Are cherry blossom biomes rare
1/4th of these features being wood really sucks
you can write on both sides of the hanging signs :}
Silence is also the rarest one in the game lmao.
dont enjoy that death screen
14:39 …. the Silence will fall!
werent brushes already in the game?
why is he talking in riddles??? HELP!
Thanks for this, I've been so focused on getting all the armor trims I forgot about some of the other features lol
Wow i have never been less excited for minecraft