ALL 120 Features In Minecraft 1.20 Trails & Tales!

Minecraft Viki (video wiki) ➜

Chapters: 0:00 – Intro 0:50 – Bamboo Wood 2:41 – Cherry Grove & Cherry Wood 5:23 – Archeology & Decorated Pots 9:39 – Signs …


31 thoughts on “ALL 120 Features In Minecraft 1.20 Trails & Tales!”

  1. Mine crafts new updates arent any fun its just all filler no new real gameplay like okay I can make a pot now and find all the same items as before, who cares? And dont even get me started on mob vote bc I swear it must be influenced by trolls because every year the most useless not game changing mob gets chosen

  2. First off… the humor you sprinkle in like seasonings were 🤌🤌🤌 clever

    Second off… I'm so dang excited about this update… I'm already playing around with the features but for reason, I couldn't actually crouch and go under a half slab. 😢

    I'm broken. It's fine.

    But honestly my favorite thing about this update right now are the cherry trees part of it… particularly the pink petals! CUSTOM PATHS!!!


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