Hey! you may not remember me, but Im Estelles older sister, she went too kindergarten with Eli, and Im so happy to see how far you have gotten, it is so cool!, also d you have any tips on being succesful?, like im trying to get too 1k, but not sure how!
Aust_Pro watch my newest video
Hey! you may not remember me, but Im Estelles older sister, she went too kindergarten with Eli, and Im so happy to see how far you have gotten, it is so cool!, also d you have any tips on being succesful?, like im trying to get too 1k, but not sure how!
The only thing not normal is that you destroyed the berry bush.
Everything else is normal.
Shoutout please!! I subscribed!!
The herobrine clip is from mycum's vide9
Super cool that you make among us in minecraft i like it

How many subs are you gonna face reveal
To herobrine is here
Plot twist: this guy bought subscribers
Dayum he combed that sheep
Poor guy on mcpe (like me lol)
Alternate title: how to break blocks
Creepy: coursing
Me: interesting
Me at the end : f**ck …my ears hurt
If you notice, the sound of cut wood is very ASMR
Dieses Video zeigt nicht Mine craft sondern Block craft
If it was the real herobrine I would have played minecraft and try and try too find him and be he's friend
بابا ریدم تو خودم
ههههههههههههه خاف هههههههه انرعب

No one talkin bout that creeper moovin like that
Puros noobs
00:08 anyone noticed this?
how the wood breaks?
Why is the breaking reverse
That creepers head tho
Before I watch this I hope I don't get rick rolled
Well I was not rick rolled
Wait why rewind?
Well that creeper sure dose know how to dance
Bro when I saw everything last ones creeper ya fine and SCARD THE HECK OUT OF ME THAT SCREAM I THOUGHT IT WAS REAL
i don't get the joke
My f ears
What there not normal
I have a interesting Business Inquiry for you, how can I contact you?
My heartrate and my headache have both increased drastically.
Oh no is herobrine
The only think bad here is that creeper tf
yea you were right.
not normal
But its so funny
0:08 how the punching wood texture goes backwards
You Fricking bitch hahaha. You got me
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