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#minecrafthorror #horrorgaming #minecraft100days
#minecrafthorror #horrorgaming #minecraft100days
#SwayleMC #minecrafthorror #minecraft100days
I found a staircase in a mountain and it led to a mall. I am now trapped and need to find a way out. I have a feeling that something is watching me.
People in Video:
INSPIRED IDEA BY @kanepixels
#cavedweller #minecrafthorror #thegoatman #doyoucopy
Music used is from slip stream
Video Concept:
There’s A New Horror Entity The Rolling Giant
A New Type Of Horror: The Rolling Giant
A New Type Of Horror: Minecraft’s Rolling Giant
➽ Subscribe : https://www.youtube.com/@PuffsGaming81?sub_confirmation=1
#minecrafthorror #cavesandcliffs #fyp #youtube #minecraftsurvival #horrorgaming
#minecraft #minecrafthorror #minecraftmystery #minecraftmods #minecraft100days #wendigos #krampus
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Puff for the record we ain’t goin shopping again 💀🤝
Swayle was tweaking hard in this video💀
Hey puff dont forget to take care of yourself, health matters!! AND GREAT VIDEO LIKE ALWAYSSS!
H̆̈Ă̈V̆̈Ĕ̈ Ă̈ Ğ̈Ŏ̈Ŏ̈D̆̈ T̆̈Ĭ̈M̆̈Ĕ̈𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮 𝓲𝓼 𝓪𝓫𝓼𝓮𝓷𝓬𝓮 𝓸𝓯 𝓳𝓾𝓭𝓰𝓮𝓶𝓮𝓷𝓽
Puff and swayle is the best dou
Puff's paradise and nightmare in one 💀😂😂
It was 1.9 then I made 2K Likes srry
Alright guys! we have the Penguiz0 Dweller!
7:23 Rolling giant scared Puff so bad, to the point he started coughing
Go watch Kane pixels for original rolling giant This ain’t it
If you read this there is a up button under here
What happened with you let the fish in a malllllll
Swayle is a kastom 13:02
Swayle is a kastom 13:06
I really love this mod and the map!
am I the only one who thinks Swayle and Puff give off a lot of Gumball and Darwin vibes? cause I can’t stop thinking about it 😭
Good intro
gatekeeping the mods and maps eh?
I dreamed me being at my grandparents huge house I'm looking at my grandmother and my brother out side I hear that same rolling noise but loud from the basement I run to my grandma's room even though I was next to the exit and I hide In my grandma's chest then I pinched my self and woke up
Map name please (I really want to try it out)
whats the map called
Slow puff my name is Lawton and I watch all your videos and I thought you guys can add a new skin walker that’s called the Demon he likes comes to you like His neck is like a giraffe and he is very sensitive means if you see him he’ll come fast charging at you he’s got two forms who have nice or he’ll come and charge you with his eyeballs with teeth and you and that’s that long you’ll probably last like 10 minutes before he comes and shredded you and puff Can you put this and your videos please cause I’m very like your videos and I really want to come and I’m happy for you you must got lots of followers but I am very big fan of you and you should tell Swae Lee about this okay bye puff
Puff can you make me and when your videos and can you add one of my monsters And I hope you have a good day and can you and I got one to this one has two free hits and it’s whole body is long and it has four leaks and it has a eyes everywhere and it has a skinny body and by puff hope you have a good night and can you make me in when you videos not tomorrow but next dayokay please I like watching your videos and it makes me a little bit sad how you guys do fun stuff and I really wish you guys will meet me when you please puff good night hope you have a good video
Swayle: so scared
Puff literally coughing💀 7:13
Where you there swayle
Can we get a part 3 of the dwellaaaaaaaaa island
And puff need his jerky!!
3k likes for dweller island
Like and subcribe to puff
puff is STILL on that smoker lung cough lmao
Ey the Stone Giant be rollin hard tho
Oldest view is the name I think it was the same person who created the backrooms btw I love your vids puff!
It's not swale it's SwayleeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-
25:01 I think the mall is infecting Swayle 🤣🤣 this part got me DYINGG
Puff are you in love with NIGHT DWELLA reply puff if you are Swayle if you find out reply and tell me I think puff wants some of NIGHT DWELLA’s jerky
"*Im Subcribed!!.*"
can't believe i missed when this was uploaded, but great job puff
Hello from a new video and can you maybe add one of my characters like a Skinwalker of two hits and it got very long body even the hands and I hope you have a good new video I’m so ready to see it I hope you have a good day