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Happy New Year everyone & welcome back to my Minecraft 1.18 Let’s Play!
MAKE SURE YOU SUBSCIRBE to not miss the Next Episode! ► http://bit.ly/SubToSyn
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I hope you enjoyed the video, if you did! Leave a LIKE on the video! 👍
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World seed -2460595006685371310
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I use all Razer products for gaming (Headphones, Mouse & Keyboard)
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This series is so nostalgic I love it
Happy new year for you and your family Tom! Love the vids you make! I subscribed when THE minecraft project was still going on, so I'm really happy to see you play minecraft again!
Swagtastical swag!!
this series brings me joy
16:47 – Tom tried to eat gold
Diamond? Razer headset ✅
New year… same Tom getting distracted 😂
my dad recently got the sick (you know what) and i couldn't spend christmas with him. thakfully your videos are here to cheer up the day! 🙂
Loving this series 🥰
Swag 🍰🎉🎂
Tom needs to make a shrine to Desmond Tutu! RIP
Its always a good day when a new episode comes out 😀
Enjoyed the video as always!
swagger jackin for swagg
Tom: don’t jump up there
Cow: no I don’t think I will
I love watching you play Minecraft! But also loved the little side note you put in about Desmond Tutu! R.I.P❤️ I find you always leave little positive notes and it always helps me and makes me smile! P.V.O.R🦁
Every time you dig straight down I get anxiety lmao
Enchanting anything els than books is a super big waste.. just make it a rule to never ever enchant anything els than books Tom! Thank me later! 😅
Happy New Year Everyone! 🎊
That enchantment setup was quite something 🤣
Tom’s Mum: Can you make a cuppa Tea Dear!
Tom: Sure!
65 Hours Later
Tom: Done!
Built a PG Tips factory
= Any small project with Tom🤣
Tom you have made me jump back into my old minecraft world and let the memories rush back I miss the OG minecrafters like you when I was growing up with a high pitched voice screeching at cave sounds love you Tom with the amount that you care for us the viewers I thank you for being a great entertainer
Hey there
"Okay they're doing it to the people."
Tom chats about coping mumbo jumbos craziness of red stone yet all he we will do is an 8×8 red stone farm😂😂😂😂
Genuinely can’t wait to see you do red stone! Your past worlds have always been epic and with red stone will be Evan better! GG!!
Yes sir 🎉🎉
Great Success
Oooh i wanna get swagy swag
Happy New Years 🥳
Happy new year Thomas !
Been loving this new series, thanks Tom!
Oh Lord, god damn. Loving the videos tom
OG crew here! I would love to win a headset.
A new year and there's so much to look forward to! Can't wait to see how this series grows!