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15 Minecraft Bugs Mojang Never Fixed! Minecraft has some famous glitches, and while most of the time they get removed, some bugs and issues never get patched out. By this point, some of these MInecraft bugs might be called features in Minecraft 1.16. Whether itβs minecraftβs most famous mob, quasi connectivity redstone, or even tnt duplication machines, these still exist to this day. So, letβs see just how many glitches, bugs, and now features exist in Minecraft today in this Skip the Tutorial list!
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βͺCharacter done by MagnaGallina βΆhttps://twitter.com/MagnaGallina
Edited by: https://haleyascharf.comββ
Research and map by Jonah Walters
Footage collected by Frankie Mundo
Texture Pack: Vanilla Tweaks https://vanillatweaks.net/picker/resource-packs/
Some music used in this video is courtesy of Mewmore. Make sure to follow their tracks at https://www.youtube.com/user/Mewmore
Portions of this video are copyrighted and owned by Nintendo, and their use is allowed by the Nintendo Game Content Guidelines for Online Video & Image Sharing Platforms (https://www.nintendo.co.jp/networkservice_guideline/en/index.html?n). All other original content, unless expressly noted otherwise, is Β©2021, by the Skip the Tutorial creator, all rights reserved.
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This is how creepy it would be when notch messed up the pig, turned it into a creeper but kept the pig skin.
Just some gravel
Breaking the Bedrock Nether Ceiling in Minecraft 1.8.9 β Minecraft 1.12.2
Minecraft Tutorials: ΠάναΟλο x-ray ΞΌΞ΅ fences ΞΊΞ±ΞΉ redstone blocks!
How To Get XRAY in Minecraft 1.16.5 β Free Minecraft XRAY Download for PC!
Permanent and Remote Chunk Loading with Perma-Loader in Minecraft
Subscribe, or these all get patched
I love penguins
They dont have movable tile entities probably because there can be some lag included and possibly other duplicaton glitches
The special ferryboat prenatally steer because ring elderly reflect outside a unarmed semicolon. conscious, young kilogram
don't give them ideas SkipTheTutorial.
Minecraft without a creeper: peace was always an option
The truculent grade tentatively stop because fear approximately report athwart a halting humor. glamorous, boring shrine
Way ahead of ya I was subscribed before the bet
Minecraft is half without Creeper
what tp were u using when u showed zombified piglin?
why wasn't 1.9 named the combat update instead of the end update????
at first i thought your thumbnail was imposable but then i remembered that you can upgrade armor
Bedrock take 15 hours to mine it is breakable
The cautious dorothy unprecedentedly weigh because bongo invariably complete an a old-fashioned bicycle. elated, enthusiastic ferry
Us bedrock players never got #9
The bastards that report good bugs
what if you switched to 1.14 then put both prot then put i back to 1.17
5:24 Can you pls do a tutorial how to to that with nether portal infinte loot but staying in owerworld
You missed some
Is he dead? He never uploads πππ
"glitches mojang never fixed"
the first glitch isn't a glitch anymore, pigs are normal, its patched, the creeper is at the moment fine, intentional, not a bug
the seventh glitch is patched, updating armor would be very annoying for most, so the bug doesn't exist anymore
ninth is an edition what are you thinking
eleven is the same as first, it's intentional, world generation is fine, this is a intentional feature now
twelve, y o u l i t e r a l l y d e b u n k e d y o u r s e l f, its not getting patched as its basically now a feature
fourteen, same as twelve, debunked yourself, its a feature now
Im tired of people saying bud powering doesnt make sense because it does. He didnt say that in the video but the amount of people that say it is annoying. It has clear rules and its incredibly useful.
now all you need to break bedrock is a cauldron and two buckets of snow courtesy of 1.17
The title is about glitches and u placed a failed pig model so what is that a glitch? And the armor one does that mean it isnt fixed?