15 Minecraft Glitches Mojang Never Fixed

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15 Minecraft Bugs Mojang Never Fixed! Minecraft has some famous glitches, and while most of the time they get removed, some bugs and issues never get patched out. By this point, some of these MInecraft bugs might be called features in Minecraft 1.16. Whether it’s minecraft’s most famous mob, quasi connectivity redstone, or even tnt duplication machines, these still exist to this day. So, let’s see just how many glitches, bugs, and now features exist in Minecraft today in this Skip the Tutorial list!

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β–ͺCharacter done by MagnaGallina β–Άhttps://twitter.com/MagnaGallina

Edited by: https://haleyascharf.com​​
Research and map by Jonah Walters
Footage collected by Frankie Mundo
Texture Pack: Vanilla Tweaks https://vanillatweaks.net/picker/resource-packs/
Some music used in this video is courtesy of Mewmore. Make sure to follow their tracks at https://www.youtube.com/user/Mewmore
Portions of this video are copyrighted and owned by Nintendo, and their use is allowed by the Nintendo Game Content Guidelines for Online Video & Image Sharing Platforms (https://www.nintendo.co.jp/networkservice_guideline/en/index.html?n). All other original content, unless expressly noted otherwise, is Β©2021, by the Skip the Tutorial creator, all rights reserved.
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25 thoughts on “15 Minecraft Glitches Mojang Never Fixed”

  1. "glitches mojang never fixed"
    the first glitch isn't a glitch anymore, pigs are normal, its patched, the creeper is at the moment fine, intentional, not a bug
    the seventh glitch is patched, updating armor would be very annoying for most, so the bug doesn't exist anymore
    ninth is an edition what are you thinking
    eleven is the same as first, it's intentional, world generation is fine, this is a intentional feature now
    twelve, y o u l i t e r a l l y d e b u n k e d y o u r s e l f, its not getting patched as its basically now a feature
    fourteen, same as twelve, debunked yourself, its a feature now

  2. Im tired of people saying bud powering doesnt make sense because it does. He didnt say that in the video but the amount of people that say it is annoying. It has clear rules and its incredibly useful.


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