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Minecraft glitches have been around since beta, but some have completely changed the game and not been patched in Minecraft updates. Today, we’ll look at glitches that work in 1.17 Minecraft and the 1.18 Minecraft update glitches too. These are the best Minecraft Bedrock glitches and Minecraft Java glitches! Hope you enjoy these Minecraft glitches that changed the game!
If you liked 46 Minecraft Blocks Mojang Had To Remove, you’ll like this video!
Join the Block Facts DISCORD!
some footage by @silentwisperer big thanks!
#minecraft #minecraftfacts
Join the Block Facts DISCORD!
Team sea for dolphins and fish and sharks squid and thanks for the great vids
1:18 is that the golden guard??
It's been almost 80 years
#teamseas #teamsease teamseas. teamseasteamseas teamseasteamseasteamseasteamseasteamseasteamseas
Anyone else notice the guest appearance of Spamton?
Yo that super flat nether roof is a lie! The block glitch though with an ender pearl trick to first do it was discovered in bedrock and has since been able to do there. It wasn’t possible in Java before but is now
half of this is only for bedrock
The spamton glitch when he said "Glitch" in 24 took me off guard.
On bedrock if you mix 2 different slabs together then place a item frame on it it will float even if you break the top slab (mix the slabs by placing a block then place different slabs on each row of the block)
bro the dirt pole one is so easy to counter, just jump on the bed off of the pole..
Wow I actually remember that squid glitch where they would fly away randomly
2:24 Nice Squid Game reference.
We can agree that we like your tram seas shirt
in which block facts temporarily forgets about ender pearls
oh the color glitch actually happened to me and I was on bedrock edition and I think it was because I died and was at 69420 on the x axis and had to come back to 0 0 in less then a second
I once fell into a gravel/lava pit that held me there at y9 so I obviously quite left for 5-10 minutes and then went back in to except my fate of losing more than a stack I diamonds and almost all my gear
But when I went back in I was on fire on the surface….
One other thing I found out on my own: on pocket edition / bedrock edition, if you manage to get a portal block in the end and use it, some REALLY weird things happen…
#team tress
bro you know what is my favorite cartoon is #mickeymouse come on its good
How “
Dude. Waaayyy too fast
Don't try to cram a minute of content into 8 milliseconds
I hope they gonna make so bedrock edition can build on the nether roof
This guy is so smart he will be the developer in Minecraft soon
China superpower trade fraud | China developed fast thanks to where? https://youtu.be/rJExuaKAjzY
“No server November”

Me who’s in November:
#team seas
wat twi?
Are you 101 facts
Now this is cool
Creds to Beacon factory:Silentwisperer
9:10 clip that
8:13 “causing an infinite death loop”
-proud diavolo noises
09:10 AAAaaaHHHhhh