Minecraft Dungeons: Holiday Trailer 2020 – Nintendo Switch

Minecraft Viki (video wiki) ➜ https://minecraft.viki.gg

Gear up this holiday season! Brave the dungeons and share the gift of adventure with the Minecraft Dungeons DLCs and Season Pass.

Available now on Nintendo Switch! https://bit.ly/2EMIGx5

#MinecraftDungeons #Minecraft #NintendoSwitch

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25 thoughts on “Minecraft Dungeons: Holiday Trailer 2020 – Nintendo Switch”

  1. I like Minecraft, so I bought the Switch Hero Edition (digital) from Gamestop on Black Friday for $20 (down from $30) and beat it on hard yesterday. The game force-quit to Switch's main menu once and froze-crashed three times. The loading music cuts off repeatedly on the load screen to Tristram/home/whatever. It's a neat game, but sorry, Nintendo. Let me know when you've fixed the bugs first before you get more money, okay bye.

  2. “Mojang you should make it so you can gift with Crossplay by not even being freinds so you can basically online crossplay gift and the person does not have to be on your lobby or be freinds”


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