4 Bedrock Players vs 1 SECRET Java Player

Minecraft Viki (video wiki) ➜ https://minecraft.viki.gg

4 Minecraft Bedrock Players spawn in a world with the goal to defeat the Ender Dragon. But Secretly there is a Java Edition Traitor among them with the goal to Kill Every Bedrock Player. Will the Bedrock Players prevail? Or will the Java Player Kill them all?

People in the Video!!!:
@SuperGamerDX @Toasted84g @HeySepticol @helloxally


48 thoughts on “4 Bedrock Players vs 1 SECRET Java Player”

  1. Bro that's so unfair as a Java Player Evident should have only 10 hearts because bedrock has like a little delay and its hard to control but java has better performance and its so unfair for bedrock playerd

  2. I saw your video on what the worst things about bedrock and I realized that you said you can't do the boat clutch but my brother did the boat clutch a while ago on controller I don't know how he did it 😂😂

  3. For all the newbies, they're all playing on a Java Edition Server with GeyserMC Plugin which lets Bedrock Edition Client connect to Java Edition Servers, Evident was on the Java Edition Client while other 4 were on Bedrock Edition Client thanks to GeyserMC Plugin, which is the only Plugin that allows Cross-Edition Multiplayer, but because the Server is on Java Edition the Game rules and features of Java Edition will be followed and only the Client Side features of Bedrock Edition would work like the Advanced Build Mechanics that lets you Bridge faster and place block without looking at the block

  4. 2:00 you'd be fked if you put something and use it through your offhand because Bedrock Players can see stuff in Offhand but can't see the animation so they'll definitely catch you if you use something like a bow or place a block with your Offhand☠️
    There's a Command on GeyserMC Plugin "/Geyser Offhand" which lets Bedrock Player put anything in their Offhand if they're holding that item in their Mainhand, but it wouldn't fiction except for stuff like Shearing a Sheep with Offhand


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